Chapter Eight

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My mouth was dry as the Sahara desert, my tongue felt like sandpaper. With the pounding in my head and the ringing in my ears. I couldn't bear to even open my eyes. I wanted to stay in this dark hole for the rest of my life and continue to feel sorry for myself. My hand waved in the air, scouting and searching for the bottle of water and paracetamol that James would have left on my bedside cabinet. Once my uncoordinated hands co-operated by finding the bottle of water and two tablets. I quickly gobbled them up and downed the whole bottle.

I couldn't help but retrace my steps as I was struggling to remember how I got home last night. Most likely Samantha shoved me in a taxi with James being dragged along with me. He was either crashed out on my sofa or he was back at work. After last night, I am hoping he is at work but knowing my luck over the last few days I knew that wouldn't be the case.

I pushed myself from my bed, wrapping the duvet round me as I made my way out of my bedroom and into the small living room and kitchen. My feet were dragging across the white carpeted floor and there spawled across my sofa was James. His mouth was hanging open and drool was coming out at the side of his mouth. I was glad that I wasn't the only one who was wasted the previous night.

"Wakey, wakey" I croaked out as I gave James a little wobble on his shoulder with my hand, secretly hoping that he will gently wake up rather than screech.

"Five more minutes mum." He groaned into the pillow and tried to use the pillow to cover his face.

"JAMES!" I shouted and with that he jumped falling off the sofa and landing with a big thud on the floor.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" He said as he rubbed his back. I could see he wasn't settled so I offered him a hand up which he graciously took and made his way back to the sofa.

"Coffee?" I said with a smile.

"Please. Black like my soul." He murmured as he squinted through his eyes. A small chuckle escaped my lips as prepared the coffee.

"How you feeling?" I questioned.

"Like a rat's ass. Probably no better than you." He grumbled.

"Indeed." I replied as I made my way back to the sofa and took a seat next to James. I passed with the coffee and he peeled open one eye with a suspicious look on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You know why I'm looking at you like this. I'm just waiting for you to tell me the juicy details." He replied as he took a swig of his coffee. His face scrunched up at the taste of the bitter coffee.

"What juicy details?" I query.

"You know the type of details about you being pinned to the wall by your sister's husband." He responds nonchalantly. I choked on the coffee that I was trying to drink.

"Don't know what you are talking about." I denied.

"No need to be shy, you two certainly weren't. I had to guard the door in case someone came out. I was scared that you were gonna' have your knickers round your ankles if Samantha found out you were defiling her beautiful pub garden." That garden wasn't beautiful. It was simply basic. A couple of benches and some shelter for the smokers. It was your standard British pub. No one had time to look at the daisies when they were on a bender.

"Forget what you saw, it was nothing." I shrugged off.

"That was not nothing. That was some X rated live porn right there and then." He let out a hearty chuckle. "Please tell me he at least gave you an orgasm. You are much in need of one that isn't machine operated." He joked, but I didn't laugh at all. I couldn't help but feel the shame wash all over me. I simply took his pillow and whacked him in the face.

"Don't you have work today?" I grumbled, trying to avoid his questioning gaze.

"Not working till the afternoon. I took the morning off, presumed that you would be drinking till god knows when. I wanted to make sure that you didn't choke on your own sick when you got home." James replied as he stretched out his limbs. "Anyway, Martin's back tonight and we're off out to dinner and I had to make sure our favourite girl was alright." He wraps his arm round my shoulder and drops me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Thanks." I muttered but I sunk into my friend's warm embrace.

A loud thudding comes from my front door. I look at James and shrug my shoulders. I have no idea who it is. The only people who know I live here are James, Martin and Sam. I wasn't expecting any parcels or deliveries so I had no idea who was at the door. But no matter how much time passed, the knocking got louder and more impatient. Both James and I groaned, knowing that our heads couldn't take the noise any longer.

I got up and made my way to the door. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Hold on!" I screeched.

It was then that I swung the door open and there stood the man with the black hair with white streaks. His face was littered with wrinkles. His eyes were crescent shaped before they slowly widened at the sight of me. His hand was slowly extending, it was like he was reaching for me. My whole body froze, it was like I was stuck and couldn't move. However as he stretched his hand out to touch me, I pulled back taking two large steps.

"Mr Cooper, what are you doing here?" I formally question with no hint of endearment or love. For this man used to mean everything to me but of course he abandoned his me, his own daughter in order to satisfy his older child.

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