Chapter Seventeen

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My sister smirked at me as her eyes caught mine. It was almost like she was challenging me to say something, to do something about her being with Jordan. It was the moment I felt hopeless as everyone stared on in the hallway, pointing and laughing. However, I was so focused on my sister, that I couldn't help but notice her rosy complexion paled. I didn't understand why she was looking as if she had seen a ghost but before I could head in her direction, I was pulled into the arms of a familiar embrace.

I looked up and everything around disappeared. I felt a warmth wrap around me, like a python surrounds it's pray. It was then that I clearly saw the warm brown orbs of the guy who stole my heart. He was the first person to see me as my own entity - one away from my sister. His eyes held nothing but pure affection. I remember I could feel the heat in my cheeks, but before I could say a word. His lips crashed into mine as he held the back of my head with the palm of his hands.

The kiss to others might have seemed clumsy and inexperienced, our lips were moving and slowly we became in sync with each other. All I could think about was how soft his lips were and soon his tongue was reaching into my mouth, entangling with mine. I couldn't help but bring my hand to his cheek, letting my finger tips slowly dance across his skin. As we pulled back, we gasped for air, it was like we had spent months under water, unable to breath. It was then that our foreheads touched as we held each other close, like we couldn't let go otherwise we would sink.

It was when we opened our eyes that I realised we weren't alone and everyone had seen that Jordan had claimed my virgin lips for his own. I remember my eyes scattering across the room to see many mouths gaped open. There was just one face I remember, one that I see everyday when I look in the mirror. Except this face wasn't connected to my body, but on my other half. My twin.

Her face was one I would never forget, one that was reddened with anger, a chest that was heaving up and down. It was her slam on the locker and the stomping of her feet that woke me up from the haze of my first kiss.

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