I HATE When Good Guys Die-

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I groan as my sister tugs on my arm. Can't she see I'm busy cleaning our dark, small hut of a house. It had cobbled floors and wooden walls. I've heard that before the magical people showed themselves and then had a war that people lived rich in HUGE marble houses! I'm pretty sure Ash made up that last part. I've always dreamt of being rich. Luckily, my mother is a seamstress and my father a hunter. I know how to do both of their trades, and take my too small clothes and patch them together to make clothing that fits me! My name's Devalin Regan. But I go by Devin, because- NO... I've always been a rebel- it's my nature. I draw in marker or charcoal on everything I own, because why not? I'm an artist!

I grimace as my sister tugs on my long, black hair, I can just tell my sea green eyes look murderous. She continues pulling at my arm for attention. I finally look down and see her clinging onto my tan skin. Great. I'm 16. Rules, like being quiet (I'm loud- deal with it. I also talk fast.), are for me to break. I was dressed in black combat lace up boots, jean shorts, a black t-shirt -the sleeves were rolled up a bit, and a ponytail hairstyle. I have a few sea green streaks in my hair, as well as some ruby red ones. I was born with them. Luckily those are my favorite colors, so I don't mind them. I live with my parents, and my 3 year old sister named Emmalyn. My best friend's name is Ash, who is like me in ways that are a LITTLE creepy to say the least. I was startled when my sister yanked hard on my hair. I would punch her... but she IS five... I'll let it slip. This time. I'm violent. Deal with it.

"TWELL MWE ONE PWEASE!" [Tell me one please] My little sister cried. Her red hair glowed in the sunlight, and her blue-green eyes offset her pale skin. I look NOTHING like her, or the rest of my family for that matter. Everyone was red-headed, and had blue-green eyes. I thought for a moment. Did I want to tell her a story? No. Did I have to tell her a story? No. She could tell I was about to say no, so she played the puppy dog eyes, which weakened my resolve. UGGGGHHH. WHY. AM REALlY WEAK- ugh. (RAGE).

"Fine. This one is about a girl, who is a warrior and rebel. She is in the woods one day when she meets an Elvin girl-"

"They are bad." My sister states with sudden seriousness. I glower at the interruption.

"Sorta. Anyway, this girl has a job, to save the universe. They go on a quest to unite the 6 kingdoms, Elvin, Olympian, Capitol, Meif'wa and WereWolf, Wizard, and Human. We're the Human realm. And magic is forbidden." I said. Internally sighing with frustration. If anyone knew Ash's secret... NO MENTAL ME. My thoughts seemed to scream. SHUT UP! I continued telling the story, "This girl unites the kingdom, with the help of the Elvin girl and her best friend, as well as the acquaintances they meet. They go against the villains that rule our planet. They save us. The universe is saved, too. The End." I feel a smile spread across my face. That will never happen... Imagine it does- but it won't happen. Yippie.

— — — —

I awoke with a start, to the sound of knocking on our door. I dressed quickly in a Dark Red T-Shirt, with a black leather jacket, my favorite -and only- black lace up combat boots, and black jean shorts. I answered the door.

"A-ash? What's up?" I yawn. I glance at the clock. It's only 4 am. I get up at 5 to go hunting- and Ash, who is my best friend, of all people should know that. I swear if she's pranking me I'll-

"Our rulers- the peaceful ones have been assassinated." Ash said visibly panicking, shocking me because she was always oddly calm. Ash had red-auburn hair, pale skin, and gray eyes. She wore a silvery-gray shirt that matched her eyes, jean shorts, brown lace up combat boots, and a brown leather jacket. Twins AmIRight? I saw a bag on her shoulder with what I assumed were supplies. I ran and woke my parents, and told them to get Emmalyn to the safe house. I packed a bag of supplies and went with Ash. My bag contained: Matches, a change of clothes, a pocket knife, first aid supplies, hair ties, a hair brush, food and water, and sunscreen. I donned a hat as we walked out the door. We had just ran into the woods, when we saw a girl fall out of nowhere, she had blonde hair and brown eyes; with light skin. Who- or what- was she? A Monster!? No... She couldn't be. Nope. Nada. Oh crud is she? Nothing about her looks irregular, except her clothes. She had on a cap, with a purple shirt and sage green legging, with LOTS of pockets. Huh. She could be and Elf... BUT- if she is I'm dead. She is gonna kill me. Yikes. She turned her head and saw me and Ash. Oh no. Then she spoke,

"I can see you." She said, "By the way, have you heard of someone having a quest?" My story... that's what I told Emmalyn. What does that mean... "Will you help me?" She was talking again. 

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