I Am Gonna Die, But am I though?

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I just yelled at Gaea, Crikey. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-

-20 Minutes later-

I am so dead... OH WELL. I'm calm... I showered and got dressed in an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt, with shorts and combat boots. GREAT. I put my hair in a braid down my back. I walk out, and notice that Ash has made friends. I tell her to stop, because when we leave they'll be left behind... but WHATEVER. Percy and Annabeth suddenly run over.

"We need to go- Gaea is restless." Percy says.

"Well no duh sherlock." Oops- why did I say that... YAYY! I HAD A WITTY COMEBACK!

"You both need weapons." Annabeth says.

Me and Ash nod and go suit up. I get a holster on my left calf, filled with throwing stars. On my right thigh I have daggers in a holster. I have a belt containing a sword, made of celestial bronze, with a sheath. It also has two throwing axes that I can use. I have a bracelet that turns into a shield on my wrist, as well as a bow and quiver stocked with arrows on my back. I have no armor, because it weighs me down. I need to be fast on my feet to survive. We meet up with Percy, Annabeth, and Sophie- all of which are dressed for battle, with daggers and such- me and Ash look identical... except that her holsters are on different legs, unlike mine. We begin walking towards the Capitol. We stop in a clearing a few hours out. The sky that has looked stormy all day, is suddenly blue, with no clouds in sight. The grass becomes lusher, the trees taller and healthier... we have arrived in the Capitol.

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