How do you escape a moving train? Well... don't ask me.

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"Uhhh-" Ash says. I interrupt.

"Yeah- no."

"We weren't asking." The person- a peacekeeper by the looks of it- says. We are then led at spear tip onto the train. We ride in silence for a time, but then the train stops again and Annabeth and Percy walk in. Another girl, with golden-brown curls, and a semi dark skin tone is shoved in too. Annabeth and Percy look oddly happy.

"Who are you?" I ask. She flushes.

"I'm Hazel Levesque, a friend of Percy and Annabeth. I was sent here for a quest, with my boyfriend Frank Zhang- but we were separated and I got put on this freaking train to heck!" I laughed. I like this girl Hazel's spunk. Annabeth and Percy introduced us, and we talked and laughed for a bit. We tried to make an escape- but we failed miserably. We ate dinner then were sent to our rooms- this train has freaking ROOMS- and I passed out, but of course, I had a nightmare.

Little hero, a voice said, You will do as I say. You woke up last time... but I WILL have my fun. You will serve me- or die. I knew that voice.

Gaea, I said, I will never serve you... and I WON'T let you harm my friends. EVER.

Gaea began to speak, Don't be rash, little hero. I know something crucial to your survival.

What? I asked, trying to be sarcastic. I knew Gaea could tell I was curious.

Your father- he isn't your real father. Your true father is Poseidon, the earth shaker, maker of horses, and god of the sea and water.

WHAT!? I say, shocked. I'm Percy's half sister? COOL!

Cool? Gaea says, I think not. I wake up in a cold sweat, and hear that Frank Zhang has arrived on the train; apparently from district 3. We greet each other and we all become friends. I tell them about my dreams- and Percy seems excited to have a little sister. We go back to bed contentedly. And I have no dreams... that is, until I wake up; and the train is on fire. 

A/N. BEEN A WHILE! I lost the original chapter... so bear with me. HEHE. CAUSE FRANKS A BEAR? 


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