Hunger Games? I think not.

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I find the others, including Frank, Hazel, Katniss, Peeta, Sophie, Annabeth, Percy, and Ash. I wonder if she started the fire with her magic- no. She would never... unless she had a bad dream. We jump out of a moving train like it's no big deal. WHAT?! Never mind... We cough and hack- and then Ash comes clean and says she has fire power. She says she grew up fatherless- and Annabeth and Hazel gasp. Frank and Percy look confused.

"You might be a daughter of Hephaestus- OH MY GODS, FINALLY. A NOT STUPID PERSON FIXATED ON HOT STUFF!" Annabeth says. What...?

"Umm... thanks? But, don't mind me asking, WHAT THE FREAK?!" Ash said.

"I don't mind and- well... we have this friend, Leo Valdez, who says he's 'hot stuff' but... he's not to anyone BUT Calypso," Annabeth said, "He's on a quest in the wizards region. Scary bunch if you ask me." Of course. No duh. I should have known people with killing magic could be, you know, scary. We made a campfire. (I know, WAY too much fire here but...)

Then Annabeth began to sing quietly."Wickedly they come, now wickedly they go,"

Hazel joined in, "If you ever find it, leave it alone,"

Percy followed suit. "Can you hear those devils, they will eat you whole,"

Frank looked confused for a second, but recognition flashed across his face as he joined in. "I would run, but I got nowhere to go,"

Sophie sang as well, "They will haunt ya, like ghosts,"

Ash now chimed in, "But you will never make it, 'cause you can't hide,"

I felt like... I just HAD to finish the song. I paled. I was told I was an amazing singer but... I feel like people might have lied to spare my feelings. I began anyway, "And in the darkness, you are blind." Then everyone sang together,

"So ride, ride, ride; For your life tonight. And soar, soar soar, let your heart explore! And float, float, float; like you're on a boat. And crick, crunch, crack; let your bones break in half." WOAH. EPIC! I- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... EMBRACE YOUR INNER FANGIRL! Woah- uhm.

Katniss sang, "Look you're haunted, now they'll get your soul,"

Peeta added, "They lied but, you should've known,"

Percy then sang, "If you don't like me, why don't ya go?"

Annabeth then added, "Your innocence makes you whole,"

Hazel almost whispered, "Take it with ya, to your grave," Annabeth, Percy, and Frank looked at each other sadly, then continued listening to the ghostly melody of the song.

Ash relented and sang, "But you will never make it, 'cause you can't hide,"

I sang, "And in the darkness, you are blind."

We all sang, "So ride, ride, ride; For your life tonight. And soar, soar soar, let your heart explore! And float, float, float; like you're on a boat. And crick, crunch, crack; let your bones break in half." This song is embedded in my poor brain- STILL!

Together, we sang; "Go go go, run like the water. Go go go, run like the wind. Go go go, or they'll have got ya. Go go go or you'll meet your end. So, ride, ride, ride; For your life tonight. And soar, soar soar, let your heart explore! And float, float, float; like you're on a boat. And crick, crunch, crack; let your bones break in half."

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