I didn't want to care. BUT...

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So... we traveled everywhere, but my brain was messed up after that cloaked dude- Dementor- attack... so I forgot stuff.

 BUT. I made friends with a werewolf named Aaron, who had black hair, tan skin and black eyes. As well as another werewolf named Vanessa. She had auburn hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. She went by Vess for short. We had met them as we traveled to who knows where.

 We decided to try to meet the Villains and beat them up but... they knew how to hide. UGH. We were in the middle of a forest, with a campfire going. It was twilight, and I was yelling at dirt. Dirt I say. I thought I could convince Gaea to talk. So I had a one-sided conversation. With dirt. 

I heard Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, and Frank discussing something. I heard the words mare nostrum. I blurted out, "Horse nostril." They gave me a funny look, but kept talking. "What?" I asked, somewhat deliriously. I neeeed sleep. I passed out from exhaustion on the spot. Joy.

— — — —

I had NO dreams. Uh oh.

I began to format a plan the minute I awoke. I told everyone my plan, and they added a bit to it. I would try to dream of Gaea and set up a meeting. 

Sophie would monitor my dreams (She's a telepath... It's a bit spooky, honestly), Harry would try to see what Voldemort was thinking, and everyone else would stand guard. I'm going to tell you everybody's powers in due time. (I need SOME surprises).

 I went to bed and somehow arranged a meeting with Gaea, the freaking earth mother. JOY. (Note the sarcasm). We went to the meeting place, which was the clearing where I first met Sophie. The clearing was more of a hollow, with no trees- just grassy earth and clear blue skys.

 We went to bed, but I was still pondering what Harry had told us. There was apparently a new villain, named Clytia Almatheia. She was a sorceress, and deadly at that. I went to bed, since the sun was setting, only to be woken up by a bright white flash of light that seared my poor corneas. 

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