You Said Olympian? I Said Nightmare.

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W-where am I? I was laying sprawled on the ground. As I got up I noticed this place looked like camp- what was it? Half-Blood? It had sprawling grassy lawns with a climbing wall that had lava pouring down one side. Why? WHY? EXPLAIN THIS TO ME! That is STILL a question I have... UGHHH.

—10 minutes later—

I'm back. We shall NOT speak of the lava climbing wall. EVER. The place had blue skies with puffy white clouds. It looked like it was morning. Wow... this place is huge! I hadn't gotten a very good look at camp because I was exhausted. I mean, really? Assassinate the rulers at 8am people! We need rest!

Anyway, the place looked deserted. They said that they had friends at a place called Camp Jupiter, which was just down the way. Could they- as in every living thing here- have gone to visit? No. They're half-bloods; they would leave guards to protect their camp against the villains- right? Yep. Totally. I'm not being sarcastic, you are.

What's going on? My voice echoed across the fields. This is NOT camp Half-Blood... this is a cavern. I'm probably dreaming but- AHHHHH! A hole opened up in the ground and swallowed me. A lady who looked made of earth appeared in the darkness of the hole.

So this is Devin? The so-called storyteller? You're pathetic, I can tell. I'm Gaea- the earth mother. I'm better known as the leader of the villains. WHAT? Nope, nope NOPE. I'm sooooo good. She waved her arm and suddenly I was in a dark cavern, I saw random people being tortured. Who were- no are... they're still alive- they?

These, Gaea gestured, are the friends you will make... this could happen to them if you continue your little... What was it? Quest? N-no. I won't believe her. I

WON'T! I didn't realize I spoke the words aloud until Gaea paled. Scared? I asked, You should be. I'm one thing, Gaea earth mother, and that is lethal. I will stop the villains... I will save every one. I swear it. And then I'll get you, too. You can't beat me, Ash, Sophie, Annabeth, Percy, and whoever else I befriend; because we are worth more than as many of you that can exist. We will never fail... so watch out, Gaea, earth mother, leader of the villains; because we WILL get you... And when we do... Well, it'll be goodnight. 

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