I almost die. Joy.

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 I DESPISE light. New laws state that light will die. I will destroy everything that is LIGHT! EMOTIONS. Something shook my shoulders. I opened my eyes and punched Ash. What? I was dreaming about killing light- I looked past her and my heart stopped.

A knife was at Sophie's throat.

Katniss and Peeta were in force fields.

Hazel and Frank were surrounded by monsters.

A dirt tornado encircled Percy and Annabeth.

Noises beyond human hearing were torturing Vess and Aaron.

I felt mad. Ash moved to my side while worriedly looking at me. I knew she could tell how scared I was. I looked up and saw that we were at the beginning stages of dusk. It was eerily quiet for a place torturing so many people. My arms were tingling. Huh.

I decided to venture a look at my arms, after some debate. They glowed, and I gasped. I pulled at my hair and saw that it was now red, and black. I saw a pond by my feet and looked. I had gray eyes. My skin had lightened a bit, but I was still tan. I was wearing jean shorts, with a dark red crop top and my mid-calf black combat boots. Cool. I had a few sea green streaks in my hair. My eyes glowed with power. My hair had become long and partially braided.

I saw the witch, Clytia Almatheia. She was stunning, with black hair and brilliant blue eyes. She looked like an Egyptian princess. I guessed that she was around 17, like the rest of my friends. Funny how the teens save the world whilst the adults sit by, absolutely useless.

I also noticed we were surrounded by enemies. How blind can I get?! Gaea's evil laughter echoed menacingly. I saw figures in black cloaks with eyes on the sleeves. I saw men and women in black masks with holes for eye sockets.

I hadn't seen that they held wands and surrounded Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Uh-oh. I was mad. M-A-D. Deadly. My rage was like watered down soda. Disgustingly maddening. Ash and I glanced at each other. Her expression said, Use powers or WHAT? And mine said, HECK YEAH! At least- that's what I hoped.

Ash gave a slight nod, and we simultaneously began. I looked at the pond, and pulled the water out and made it into an orb. I collected more from the atmosphere, though I've never tried to do it before. I said, "Gaea, give me ONE good reason not to beat up your minions."

I said so. That's why.

"You sound like a sleep deprived old idiot. Oh wait. You are." Ash said. WHY. I want those lines... I continued making the orb of water larger. I discreetly made the water into a sword. I imagined it was a bracelet that when I tapped its center would become a sword. I used my powers, and it became a real, celestial bronze blade. It felt perfectly balanced in my grasp. It had sea green gems and rubies embedded in the hilt. EPIC! WOW. I had secretly gotten my dad's blessing. I was not very good at life so I needed a LOT of help. I grabbed a dagger from my holster. (I forgot about them... Also... Katniss is better at sniping with her bow than I am- so I gave her my bow. Funny story I-). Gaea laughed. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

Hmm... ah. A great blow to your friends indeed. Gaea's voice was scratchy like gravel. Or nails on a chalkboard. Bleck. Around me, I saw Ash fend off wave after wave of monsters with fire.

Suddenly, a blonde boy with one blue eye, and one gold eye with a scar from his eyebrow to his chin. I'd heard about this boy. Annabeth saw him and cried out. Percy turned to look and paled considerably. Annabeth looked like she might faint. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she called out the boy's name. Luke Castellan. Or, Kronos.

I was ANGRY. I felt invincible. Dad blessed me. A lot. CAUSE I StINK AT LIFE! I killed probably hundreds of monsters, but they kept coming. I hacked, slashed, and jabbed with my new sword at the monsters. Finally, I managed to beat them up. Joy. I had forgotten everybody else's problems, but saw that they had escaped their captors, and were beating them up.

Harry was dueling Voldemort, whilst Ron and Hermione kept the Death Eaters at bay. I don't know how in heaven's name I knew that so... UM. YEAH. COOL. Percy splashed Gaea's winds with water and managed to defeat her. He and Annabeth went to work on Luke/Kronos.

Vess and Aaron had managed to plug their ears with moss from the ground. They bit and tore at their captors- the PeaceKeepers- so viciously that they transformed into real werewolves. COOL.

Frank turned into a dragon and burnt half the monsters to a crisp in one go.

Peeta and Katniss were working on their villains, because they broke the forcefield fast.

Sophie had elbowed her bad guy and was inflicting on him. (It's an elf thing. She can make them feel GREAT pain). Ouch. Another flash of light later all the villains were gone, save be it Clytia Almatheia.

Clytia advanced on us. She gathered a glowing ball of dark magic and aimed it at me. I darted out of the way just in time. I grabbed her long dark hair and yanked. She stumbled backward but twisted in midair and punched me. I took the hit hard. I heard a crack, but I felt fine. I saw Clytia's mangled hand. I hit the ground, but jumped up instantly. I knew my friends were watching, but couldn't help me. Uh-oh.

I darted in between Clytia's legs while she was distracted. I got my sword and attacked her. She had skill, but hid mostly behind her powers. I grabbed my wand and muttered the first spell Hermione taught me. I remembered her saying, "This will deactivate your opponent's magic for five minutes. Use it wisely." I waved my wand in the complicated gesture, then muttered, "Dispell." Clytia tried to use her magic, but failed. She had her hand gingerly on her chest, and looked pitiful. Gross, I know. I jabbed my sword.

"Any last words?" I asked. "You can't win. We have the upper hand. Become good and we MIGHT spare you." I saw conflict on Clytia's face and knew she was done. She began to concentrate, and conflicted emotions passed like waves across her face.

"Wait," She said, finally. "I can't always control my magic... I HAVE to end it by myself." She grabbed a silver, moonstone like, knife. She then plunged it into her chest. A blast shook the earth. I passed out. 

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