I run from cloaked dudes.

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I can't remember much after that, but I could hear a terrible sucking, inhaling sound coming from nowhere and everywhere all at once. I began to hear Emmalyn's screams. WHAT?! But she was with my parents... right? Wait- my mother I mean. My 'father' isn't really my dad... UHHH. Stopping that train of thought. I started feeling dizzy and faint. I looked down and couldn't even see my hand. Creepy, I know. Everything became dark; and I'm SURE the temperature was -10987654321 degrees, fahrenheit. The world swam in front of my eyes. "Woah..." I muttered deliriously. I felt like I was in a whirlpool, spinning and spinning into darkness.

— — — —

I felt so numb... then a warm sensation flooded my veins. I hadn't even realized how cold I had been until the feeling lifted. "Whoa..." I said. Yes, I am a woman of MANY, MANY words. Note the sarcasm.

"She's up!" A relieved voice said. I knew that voice... didn't I? My eyes opened, though they felt like led, and I blinked as the blurry image of my best friend came into focus. You know, I'm SURE nothing bad will happen. Yay. I was lying on the hard stone floor of a cave, with the only light being torches tipped with glowing fire. They were secured onto the wall with an odd, clay like substance.

"So... To address the passed out version of me in the room, WHAT THE FREAKING HECK HAPPENED?!" I said, smoothly, as usual.

"I TOLD you Annabeth, NEVER splash water on Devin's face." Ash said. WAIT- that was WATER? But I'm not wet- oh yeah. I remember: Poseidon's children can't get wet unless they want to. Joy.

"Well it works with Percy- so there was a 50% percent chance it would work!" Annabeth said to Ash. I think they forgot I was here, again.

"Well, the person you FREAKING SPLASHED WATER ON can hear you." They flinched. Ash walked over to me, and shoved chocolate in my mouth. I managed to swallow it before punching her. Suddenly the Black hair boy and his friends came into the room. The room itself was a HUGE cave. I'd really only noticed the lights and the ground beneath me, but there was a campfire going, and rain pouring from the clouds outside. They said their names were Harry Potter (Black haired boy), Hermione Granger (Brown haired girl), and Ronald Weasley, or Ron for short (Red-headed boy). They were all 17. Yippie. 

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