I Make Friends with an Elf

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 "What do you want?" I asked- not sure I wanted the answer.

"I already said- I NEED help," She said, "I messed up my powers, and I need to fix them. To do so I have to unite the 6 kingdoms... then defeat the villains that are corrupting us. Oh, by the way; my name is Sophie Foster." Does that mean my story is true?! Hmm... Joy. OH GOOD HEAVENS!

"Wait-" I said remembering a question I had thought of, " have you heard of someone telling a story and it coming true, just wondering. For a friend?!" I asked, hurriedly adding that last part. What!? I HATE being embarrassed.

"Yes- the elders call them a legend, or a prophecy. Do you know who can tell the prophecy?"

"Well I do know one could this be it?

A StoryTeller knows the truth,

And saves the world from endless doom;

Death creeps closer, much too soon

Heroes unite, To live or die-

Villains fall, safety to all,"

Sophie looks at me, "Why?"

"I could very well be 'the storyteller'."

"Huh. That makes WAY too much sense. You could be the StoryTeller... BUT... You might not be, so be careful. Talking about it could get you killed in gruesome ways."

"W-well," I said, unsettled; "I've been given death threats before. This one just so happens to be portable."

"This changes everything... you may save us yet!" The girl- Sophie said. No. Freaking. Way. "Let's test it though, tell a small story." What? Okay.

"Fine," I said flatly, "I- err- could fly." I heard gasps and saw I was hovering off the ground. "W-w-w-wh-what!?" Stutter Queen- anyone?! " I STOP flying." I was NOT overreacting... ignore whatever Ash says otherwise. Um. Hi. I'm Devin from the future. I definitely did not edit that. I speak the truth. I fell onto the ground. Oof.

"So this is cool, but can we go?" Sophie asked. I nodded. We ran into the woods, but she stopped. She grabbed our hands and said this would be faster. What would be faster- WHAT?! I thought her powers were malfunctioning. "I can still use this power... but only sometimes." HOLD UP.

"Sophie," I say hesitantly, "Did you do something bad to lose your powers?"

"What?! No, never. I had to save my-" She started to say something, but stopped herself. She continued, "my friends. I used too much power and now I'm at MALFUNCTIONING STATION!" RAGE! Oh heavens... my poor sanity. Still insane in the future. Joy.

"Wha-" I screamed, loudly. Because she just levitated us into the air. Then we dropped. I HATE heights. They terrified me. But anything in the air did that. No reason for it. Reason: one word, more than eight letters. Involves water. A crack appeared in the air and we fell through.

"PERCY- SOMETHING JUST APPEARED!" A girl screamed when we fell onto the grassy earth of a completely different place. I was lying on soft grass, and the sky was brilliant blue with a few clouds in the stunning sky. Wow.

"ANNABETH- IS IT A MONSTER? OR GAEA?" A boy's voice yelled out.


"Well, those 'Humans' can hear you." Ash said. Darn I wanted to say that. But Ash has a point.

"I'm Sophie Foster. I'm actually Elvin." She said, Ash then stepped back in fear. I, however, stepped forward.

"We can hear you." I said, " But I'm not human... I don't know what I am." ME FROM THE FUTURE HERE. FORESHADOWING.

Sophie jumped in, "I'm an Elf, with 5 abilities or powers. This is Ash, and Devin." She then explained everything to Annabeth and the boy- Percy.

"What?" Percy asked. Annabeth explained it to him. Again. Future me is back, I'm writing these stories from my perspective. Percy wasn't THAT dumb. Just thickheaded. "Oh... Yikes."

"Will you help?" Sophie asked.

"N-," Annabeth said, but Percy gave her the puppy dog eyes; "But could you first help us defeat Gaea?"

"Sure. We'll probably have to anyway, 'cause we have to 'defeat the villains'" I said.

"DEVIN!" Ash whisper shouted.


"Never mind." She was annoyed... she may burn me -and her fire powers need to remain secret- I mean, what powers? I'm not nervously sweating, you are! Okay... I can't lie very well. I was just lying! That was my thought process. My. Whole. LIFE. Okay... I need some sleep. I was taken to a cabin, called the 'Hermes cabin' . I think Hermes is one of the Olympians' immortal heroes, but there were a LOT of people in that cabin. Apparently we landed in a summer camp called 'Camp Half-Blood'

Yikes... well I'm off to bed.

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