Welp, that's the Hunger Games

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Our arrival caused some- chaos? Discord? Panic? I don't know, but... it was hectic. I still remember that. I got a tomato to the face. We had arrived on the border of districs 11 and 12. Me, Ash and Sophie were sent to 12. Annabeth and Percy to 11. The guards- or 'peacekeepers'- pushed us forward with their bayonets. I felt the tip scrape my back through my shirt. HECK NAH. Mmm- mmm- mmm, they gon get it! [They're gonna get it]. Gosh- I've been around my hippie dance teacher too much. Or my mom... or- NEVERMIND. The peacekeepers wore all white- and looked pretty lethal. We then were shoved near a place called, 'Victors Village'. It had lush grass and fruitful trees. The sky was gray and.., ugly though so... WHAT?! "Are they gonna make us fight to the death?!" I didn't realize I spoke the words aloud.

"You are sadly, very correct about what they may do to you." A girl's voice said.

"Ehem, I'll take this one." Ash said, "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU- AND WHAT IS GOING ON??!!" Dang, that girl has got lungs.

"... Okay. I'm Katniss Everdeen and this is Peeta Mellark," She said, pointing to a boy next to her- which I hadn't noticed yet. I need to work on my surveillance skills. Could I have ADHD? Yes. I'll ask Annabeth later. I DO have ADHD. I remembered that- what's her name- oh, Katniss was talking. "You are in district 12, but you probably already know that. You may be forced into the Hunger Games. They changed the rules though... Now tons of people- that they choose- have to fight to the death. And you guys- seem like a likely recipient of that particular fate. Sorry... If it helps- me and Peeta are on their strike list too." Long winded much?

"WAIT. Oh no..." Ash said, then she turned to me- with fear in her eyes, "Annabeth and Percy! They're totally on their hit list! Also, who are 'They'?"

"'They' are President Snow and the Gamemakers."

"The what-makers?"

"They create and run the Hunger Games."

"That sounds bad."

"Indeed it is." Katniss says.

"Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Sophie Foster, Devin, and Ash?" Uh oh, "You are coming with me to the Hunger Games!" I remember that the person who said that was a peacekeeper. 

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