Elf plus Demigod equals... UMM

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 I woke up, somewhat reluctantly; and got splashed with a bucket of water that rejuvenated and made me jolt out of bed. I miraculously stayed dry. I then put on my shirt that I wore to camp Half-Blood. It was repaired, because whatever Sophie did to get us there was NOT good for clothing items. 

We walked until we saw a sign reading: 'Dunno why you're here. Past this bloody line is the wizard realm/area. Dementors on patrol. Have fun!' UMMM. I noticed an almost invisible button on the grassy earth below me. I pressed it and floating words appeared from thin air. It stated: 'Magic detected. Choose a wand that feels... right to you.' Excuse me?

"Estoy muy confundida" [I'm confused] I said. Sophie translated, since recently; whenever I felt a VERY strong emotion I spoke another language, mainly Spanish or French. Don't ask me why, since I'm confused too. She said it was odd, and that I could be an elf, most likely a polyglot.

 I grabbed a wand and waved it. The wind ruffled my hair and my hand felt warm. The wand was 13 inches with a phoenix feather. It was made out of holly. Strange. I knew what it was made of because loopy writing appeared in the air and described it. I grinned. "Let's go get that wizard? Actually... Let's wing it!"

"Great plan." Frank said, somewhat sarcastically. Hazel elbowed him. I pretended to be temporarily deaf. I suddenly saw a boy, with black hair, and emerald green eyes. As he drew closer, I saw he had a lightning scar on this forehead. He was running away from something, with a bushy brown haired girl; and a redhead whose hair screamed, 'LOOK AT ME!'.

The black haired boy screamed, "RUN!" So, of course, we did. I heard distant screaming, then the sunny morning turned black. 

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