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Recess time. I was glad I made it in time this morning, but that took so much of my energy, I finished my bento in, like, 5 minutes.

I glanced at my watch. "Ah... it's still so early.. what should I do?" I muttered, as I arrived back at 2-B.

Suddenly, someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned back expecting it to be Arashi, since he always comes back to class early. However, behind me is Natsume, smirking. I haven't seen him all morning, I thought he's absent.

"Hello~ little kitten" he greeted. "Oh, hello, Sakasaki-kun. Where were you all morning?" I replied. I know he's in a different class, but I should at least have seen him when I was passing by 2-A. The teacher was already in the class then, anyway.

"Fufufu~ secret. You don't need to know yet" he chuckled. That sent chills down my spine. I have to admit it, but all I could think of is bad stuff.

"You seem to be free now. Care to help me?" Natsume asked. I checked the time again. Still loads of time before recess ends. I nodded. "Sure, what with?"

He smiled. "Good kitten. I want you to pass this over to someone" he told, handing me a piece of folded note. "Just go to 3-B, and tell them you're looking for 'shaggy man'. Hand this to him" he continued.

I nodded again. "By the way, may I know who's this shaggy-" I lifted my head to ask again, but he's gone. "Eh? Where did he go?" I looked around the class. But no one, just me. Everyone else has already headed out to go eat elsewhere, so I'm all alone.

Realizing he's nowhere to be found, I decided to open the note.

'Come for practice after school. If you're late, you know what happens :)'

I read it. Another shiver ran down my spine. The last line sounded like a threat. "Well, I better give this to that guy. Better not make him bear the punishment" I headed off on my way.

I didn't have a problem getting to 3-B, since it's right beside 3-A which I went to this morning. I peeked inside. Very dark, even though it's daytime. "Huh? did they cover the windows?" I thought.

I was hesitant to enter, but I pushed the door anyway to check.

"Welcome~✩" I was startled when a spotlight shown onto a tall guy, with long, flowing light blue hair. He had a rose in his hand, and was in a dramatic pose.

"To~✩" Another spotlight lit up, onto a guy with black hair. I glanced at the ceiling. Now, where is this light coming from?

"3-B~ Puka puka~✩" Again, a spotlight lit up. I recognised the one under it, though. It was Shinkai-senpai, who I met with Tetora the other day.

I froze as I looked at the three, who are each in their own dramatic pose. I was dumbfounded, my brain lagged. That's all I could say now.

Finally, the cloth covering the windows fell by itself, all at the same time and the whole room lit up as a finale to whatever I was witnessing.

I can see another 3 people standing behind the class. They all looked at me simultaneously. They shook their heads, signalling me that they couldn't provide me with an answer to what's happening.

"Welcome to 3-B, (Y/N)-san" the long-haired guy leaped towards me and handed me the rose in his hand. "W-wait.. you know my name..?" I stammered.

"Fufu~ of course I do. I am your own Hibiki Wataru anyway~✩" he smiled. I took the rose. "Hello~ (Y/N)~" Shinkai-senpai waved at me.

"You're quite popular among the juniors, so we know about you as well. You seem to be classmates with my dear Ritsu and the puppy" the black-haired followed. "Puppy?" I thought. I recalled everyone in my class. Who might this 'puppy' be?

"I mean, Koga" he added, easing my confusion. "Anyway, let us introduce ourselves! Amazing~✩" the long-haired senior interrupted.

"As you already know, I am your Hibiki Wataru" he took my hand.

"Rei Sakuma, young lady. Ritsu might have spoken about me before" the black-haired continued. I nodded, although I can't recall Ritsu mentioning anything about an older brother.

"Shinkai Kanata. We met the other day~" Kanata, who I finally knew his actual name, followed.

"At the back there! Join us!" Wataru called. The 3 at the back looked at each other, lifted their shoulders and came towards us.

"Miss, my name is Kiryu Kuro" the first guy, who has a rather bulky physique started. I remember the name. He's the one Tetora admires, if I'm not mistaken.

"Nito Nazuna! Since you're younger, you can call me Nii-chan!" another spoke. He's the shortest out of them all, probably the same height as me. I thought he was younger.

The last one was startled when he realized it's his turn. He had long, messy dark blue hair, and wore spectacles. "Ah- I'm Aoba Tsumugi. Nice to meet you, (L/N)-san" he smiled bashfully.

"The class isn't complete yet, though. Leo-chin isn't here" Nazuna interrupted. "Yeah.. I don't know when he'll be back. But yeah, we are 3-B, along with another, Tsukinaga Leo" Kuro finished.

I nodded slowly. Boy, I wasn't expecting this when entering the class. I thought it'd be like 3-A, very quiet. Especially since it's recess.

"So, what brings you here, young lady?" Rei asked.

I realised I forgot what I was here for. I took the note out of my skirt pocket. "Here, Sakasaki-kun told me to pass this to someone. He said it's... uh... shaggy man..?" I told.

Everyone was on the verge of laughter, yet they held it back. I realised Tsumugi seemed a little surprised, and embarrassed at the same time.

"U-uhhh... that might be me... hehe" he chuckled awkwardly. I can actually see why Natsume called him that. Sorry for being mean, ehe.

I handed the note to him. "Thank you, sorry for the trouble". Tsumugi thanked. "No worries, Aoba-senpai. I already finished my food, so I don't have anything to do now anyway" I smiled.

"Alright, I'm gonna go eat with the rest of Ra*bits. It was nice meeting you, (Y/N)-chin" Nazuna waved and left with his bento. "Yeah, I gotta go too. Have a good day, miss" Kuro bowed and left along with Nazuna.

"I wanna go puka puka~" Kanata left as well. "That was fun, but grandpa gotta get some sleep" Rei was next. "Yeah, everyone got something to do, including me. I gotta go to the student council room for a bit. I need to get the list of books. Thank you again, (L/N)-san" Tsumugi bowed, and walked out as well.

I noticed he dropped something. "Ah, this might be his pen. Where was he going again?" I peeked out the door, but he's nowhere to be seen now.

"Hibiki-senpai, did you-" I was just about to ask Wataru if he heard, but he's already gone, with rose petals swirling slowly at his spot. It fell one by one on the floor.

By the time I realized it, I'm all alone now. Everyone left so quickly. I froze there, dumbfounded. "Well, I guess that's that. I'll give it to him later instead" I muttered.

I headed back to 2-B. By now, someone should be there already, so I won't be too lonely. Well, that was indeed a rather... 'eccentric' class. Welp. I guess some of them are.

As I was busy with my thoughts, my shoulders collided with someone's arm. I turned around to apologise.

"Ah- sorry, I wasn't focusing..." I bowed. As I lifted my head, I see a tall senior with light yellow hair. His blue eyes and fair skin make him look like an angel. I was captivated. However, I couldn't help but sense a threatening aura from him.

"Hehe, no worries. Thank you for helping Keito this morning, by the way" he smiled at me and left as if nothing happened.

I stood there, frozen in place. "How did he know... I didn't see him in 3-A, or even nearby this morning" I thought.

"Who might he be..."

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