Doggie Time

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Summer is finally here, so we all changed into our summer uniforms. I chose to just wear my short-sleeved school shirt which I left two buttons on top unbuttoned, and my regular school skirt.

The sun is shining nicely today. I walked into the school gate with Midori and as usual, and I dropped him off at class.

I placed my hand in my pocket, trying to reach my phone. I accidentally dropped a coin in the process.

"Ah, is my purse torn? This shouldn't be here..." I muttered as I bent down to pick up the coin. Suddenly, something zoomed right past me and snatched the coin before I could. Shocked, I tumbled down.

"Owww... What's that?" I lifted my head. I was surprised to see a Shiba lnu in front of me, with the coin in it's mouth. I panicked. "W-wait! Drop that! You'll swallow it!" I warned.

I tried to come near it, bit it sped away right as I was about to. "Ahh! No, no! Come back!" I shouted.

I ran after the dog desperately. However, the dog is far faster than I am. I lost track of it multiple times as I chased it down the corridors.

The dog ran out the building and I had to follow it. I waved at my friends who just arrived as I ran and they all were confused to see me like this. I ignored it and focused on the dog.

Finally, I managed to corner it. "Hahh... Hah... Finally. Please.. Stay still. I'm not gonna hurt you" I panted. Slowly, I approached the dog. Thankfully, it immediately put down the coin. I sighed with a smile.

"Goodness, thanks. You're an active one, huh? Hehe, good boy~♪" I chuckled, stroking it's fur. It wagged its tail and laid down on his back.

"Belly rubs? Ehehehe.. So cute" I gushed. I gave it belly rubs as it happily wags it's tail faster.

"Daikichi~! Daikichi, where are you?!" I heard a shout coming from my right. I turned my head. A second later, Subaru popped up from behind the wall.

"Eh? Hi (Y/N)! Have you seen my dog?" he asked. I lifted my eyebrow. "Well, I do have a dog here. Is it yours?" I told, moving my body a bit to show him the dog.

He smiled. "Daikichi~♪! There you are! Don't go running off from me, it's sad~" he came towards the dog, Daikichi I guess, and picked it up."Hehe~ good thing you're with (Y/N). Have you been a good boy with her?" he talked with Daikichi. "How did you find him?" he turned towards me.

"This is your dog? Well, I dropped my coin just now, and he took it from me. I was chasing him because I'm scared he might swallow it" I explained, showing him the coin.

Suddenly, both Subaru's and the Daikichi's eyes lit up. "So sparkly~ hey hey, (Y/N), can I take a look?" he cupped his hands in front of me. I just dropped the coin awkwardly. "So pretty~" he whispered as he admired the coin with Daikichi.

Huh, like owner, like dog.

Suddenly, the dog's ears perked up. I can hear another bark in the distance. Daikichi immediately ran behind the wall. Me and Subaru followed him curiously.

It turns out, another dog, this time, a corgi, was there. Daikichi excitedly came towards it and they immediately started running in circles together.

"Ohh? Leon! I rarely see him here!" Subaru exclaimed. Someone else came towards us with a grunt. "I had no choice. No one's home to take after him" he spoke behind us.

We turned back, and it was Koga. "And... That one's your dog?" I guessed, pointing at the corgi. "Heh, of course! Leon and me are the best boys!" Koga smirked.

Leon, huh? Daikichi and Leon.. I should keep that in mind. Suddenly, a question came to mind. "Wait, how come they're here? Are pets allowed in the school?" I asked.

"I don't know. I guess a long as they don't go in, its fine" Koga lifted his shoulders. "I bring Daikichi here every day! He's all good!" Subaru nodded.

"Really? That's cool! Are they friends? They seem to be really happy playing together" I glanced at the dogs, still happily running around together.

"I guess they are" Koga sighed. "That means me and Gami-san at doggie buddies, right? Hehe~" Subaru grinned. Koga looked at him, lowkey disgusted. "Since when? Didn't I tell you I'm a lone wolf? Don't even think of being my friend" he frowned.

Subaru pouted. "Hmph! Never mind! Gami-san doesn't want to be mine friend~! Huhu, help me, (Y/N)!" He whined and threw his arms around me.

"E-eh? You said nevermind, didn't you? Haha..." I laughed awkwardly, patting his back."Humph. Ignore him" Koga scoffed.

We noticed the dogs quieting down. "Hm? Daikichi, at you hungry?" Subaru asked. As if understanding his words, Daikichi wagged his tail. Leon is also responding.

"It seems they are. Did you bring any dog food for them?" I looked at the two beside me.

"Of course! I always carry treats for Daikichi around!" Subaru beamed. He reached into the pocket of his trousers. His face changed. "Uhh, ehe, I think is dropped it... Uhhh" he grinned awkwardly.

He turned towards Koga with a smile. "Gami-san~ can Daikichi have some of Leon's treats?" he knelt in front of Koga with sparkling eyes. Even Daikichi joined and sat down innocently in front of him.

"What the heck.... Ugh, fine. Come here, Leon, have some treats" Koga rolled his eyes. Leon approached him as he took out a small bag of dog treats from his pocket. "You too, Daikichi" he sighed.

He gave the dogs some treats. Leon happily jumped on top of Koga, causing him to tip back. "Oh, haha, easy, boy" Koga laughed. Daikichi suddenly joined in and jumped ontop of him a well. "W-wait,you too?"

"Waaahhh~ hehe, let me join!" Subaru suddenly laid down beside Koga and hugged him and the dogs. "Not you too! Get away from me!" Koga fought. However, Subaru didn't budge.

"Ehehe, it seems they all like you... Even Akehoshi-kun..." I spoke, chuckling. "Don't start, (Y/N). Ughh.." Koga groaned.

Suddenly, the bell rang, telling us the classes are starting. "Huh? Awhh... It seems we have to go now" Subaru pouted. He and Koga stood up.

"Finally, that was suffocating..." Koga grunted. I started walking towards the building and he followed behind me. "Bye~ Daikichi, Leon! See you!" Subaru waved happily before joining me and Koga on our way to class.

The dogs wagged their tails happily and ran off somewhere together. I smiled at the cute dogs. "See you later, Doggies!" I waved as well.

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