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Just another normal day at The New World University. You were writing notes on the topics which were being discussed in class. Law also did the same.

Law was the topper in your class. He gets the highest marks in each test so far. Sitting beside him you thought if u get some of his 'wisdom'.

After the fourth class, it was lunch time. As you had your lunch today you did not leave for the cafeteria. You just don't like to go to cafeteria as you have to socialize with people if you go.

Being a foreigner here, for the past two months you did get much attention from people. You liked attention...but not this much....now it's annoying to you. People constantly asked about your religion and culture and things about your country. You are bored with this same topic.

Law opened his lunch box and looked at it as if it is poison. He turned to you and asked, "would you exchange lunch with me?".

You looked up to him but did not answer anything. This question was too unexpected from a person like him and it also was the first full sentence he said to you. He was now directly looking at you, waiting for an answer.

"I-uhm.... Actually i don't have anything good to trade with you" you replied hesitantly and took out your lunch box. You were too lazy(also broke af) to bring something good so you just brought some salad.

He looked and said, "it's okay I'm fine with it". You saw he brought......CHICKEN SANDWICH? LIKE WHO TRADES CHICKEN SANDWICH FOR SOME STUPID SALAD?.

You hesitantly traded boxes with him. He reacted normally and just started eating. "So.....why u traded CHICKEN SANDWICH for salad?".

It seemed like this question caught him off guard."I don't like....bread" he said turning his head to opposite direction. 'That's cute' you thought to yourself, looking at his failed attempt to hide his face.

You did think about why he even brought a sandwich in the first place when he hates bread. Breaking the silence, he said, "My sister, lammy, packed this lunch today....either she forgot I don't like bread or it was to simply ruin my lunch". You giggled to yourself hearing that. Law gave you a 'what?' look. "Nothing, just sibling things~" you giggled.

The sandwich was quite good and you thanked law. Well it was a win-win situation to get your favourite chicken sandwich for salad, law didn't mind too.

Felt like you are close to make a true 'friend' this time.

I know the chapters are short.... I'm trying to avoid too much complexities in one chapter and make it a bit slow paced....and realistic. I will update soon. AND MOSTLY THANK YOU ALL FOR READING <3.

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