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It's been three weeks since you and law sit together. No wonder you two got close. You consider him as your best friend while he doesn't even talk much with you. Atleast now he replies with full sentences.

Law is a very quiet person. He does not want to draw attention, but he does like being praised by others or to show others that he is better.

Meanwhile you are quiet at first, but very talkative with friends. Since law does not talk much with try not to piss him off so you have been the quiet girl too in the class. You can see that you have improved since sitting beside him. Now you concentrate more on classes rather than sitting beside kidd who always tries to disturb the class, interferes the teacher or bunks classes.

You were now in the maths class, bored much. You had completed the problems that are now being discussed in the class. Maths is your favourite subject [A/N: it is my fav subject, i know it might not be ur fav but just bear with it T_T] you turned your head to see law who was deeply concentrated in solving a problem. He looked annoyed. You peeked on his copy.

'Such a good handwriting....' you thought to yourself. Then you found a mistake he did. But you were too nervous to tell him that HE did a MISTAKE. 'I didn't knew a person like law also can make mistakes...' you thought.

"" you called him. He just raised his eyebrows as a 'what?'. "2×3 is equal to 6 wrote 52×3= 152 it will be 156".

Law checked out that part. He turned his head the other way and just corrected the mistake without saying anything. Guess he doesn't like others seeing his mistake. He acted like you never even corrected him.

Just in the next problem, you saw his answer is different than yours. He then quickly compared your copy with his copy and then again found his mistake. 'He must be a bit weak in maths....' you thought. He looked much embarrassed after he found out his mistake again.

You did not mind as you do more mistakes than him and you are much mediocre compared to him. Law is a perfectionist afterall.

You would seek his help in other subjects and he would help you without saying much. Seems like you are not annoying to him and that's good because he find almost everyone annoying in the class.

It was much better in these days. Kidd tries to approach you sometimes but ends up failing as you avoid him or go out of his range. You can say by his looks....he is much angered.

I knowww the parts are shortttt....but i will be updating more. Comment if you like the story so far T_T. And....thanks for reading <3.

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