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Getting bored of waiting for him, you decided to spend some time in the library. You texted Law your whereabouts, and he said he'll be there in half an hour.

You roamed around the large library, trying to find anything interesting. The library is just your favourite place here, you would spend time whenever you could. It was raining today and it felt so soothing to hear the rain. As you walked forward, your fingers lazily graced the book covers, as you were reading the titles. You took out a book and was going to go back to your seat.

Just as you could move further, you suddenly flinched at something blocking your path, or someone. You looked up to see his face, he was quite tall and muscular. Just as you saw him, you backed away fast, looking around if someone was near.

"Sorry....I-" you couldn't quite catch his mumbling. "I mean no harm. Please hear me out Y/n" for the first time you could see a bit of regret and compassion in his eyes.

"I don't wanna talk, Kid." You turned around to walk away but got stopped as he grabbed your wrist. You looked at him with widened eyes and as he realised what he just did, he quickly retracted his hand.

"See. I'll make this short. I am sorry, I really am. At first I thought it was just a stupid attraction so I just bothered you because I wanted to see you and your reactions. But then it hit me, I never felt something like this before. I feel stupid for being vulnerable to someone. I thought I could turn away from my feelings from my heart if I could just make you hate me, but it made me realise how badly I always treated you and that I had crossed some limits I should never have." He contemplated if he should say more.

Getting no answer from you, he chose to continue "I know what I have done..." He said while looking down, "..and I don't expect you to forgive me. You don't have to answer, I am just..." Words couldn't be formed from his mouth.

He could see the unforgiving look written on your face. "I wouldn't bother you anymore Y/n, but I will tell you what I've always meaning to tell". He looked at you, something in his eyes could tell he's being genuine, "I have feelings for you Y/n. I know my feelings can never be reciprocated. I am a short-tempered, unruly and rude bastard. I have done the worst things to make you feel humiliated. Even if I'm not good with words and I can't express what I'm feeling right now, I still am letting you know about it. Sorry". He almost cursed but stopped himself.

You couldn't think whether to be rude, angry or sympathetic to him. You just stood there, not looking at him and avoiding to give a direct answer. It seemed like he knew what was going on your mind. He definitely was stopping himself from punching the bookshelf. He just left without saying anything.

You sighed a bit. He really did confess this time. 'Such a sudden change.....really?' His intentions are really unknown.

After a minute, you heard a familiar voice call your name, with the adorable suffix added to it. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Y/n-ya" the way he called your name was smooth, as if he has said that for a millionth time already. You quickly turned around to see him, keeping the book aside. You flashed a smile at him but he still had his poker face, he was probably thinking about something.

You quickly followed him out of the library. You were quite curious where he would be taking you. But just as the two of you reached the hallway gate you could see it was pouring heavily outside. You wondered if Law would cancel the plan for this, he poked out his head to see outside. Reaching beside him, you extended your hand to catch some raindrops, "I have an umbrella" you said, and just as he looked at you, you splashed some of the raindrops on his face. "You're forgetting I can do the same but better, Y/n-ya" he gave you a disappointed look while you chuckled.

You reached for your bag to take out your umbrella which wasn't big enough for two people, but Law doesn't mind. You handed him the umbrella while he opened it and gestured you to join him.

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