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You wake up to the bright sunlight falling on your face. Your (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair shining bright in the sunlight as you sit on the bed. You check the phone it's 6:26 am in the morning.

"It's still too early" you said yawning. "I don't feel like sleeping too.....maybe i can do anything else" you got up to go and take a shower.

Brushing your hair you opened your wardrobe. "Nope. Not this one. Too short. Too fancy. I wore it yesterday. It's fine but i don't feel like wearing this one." You said to yourself as you tossed the clothes one by one.

Picking up a baggy jeans and (favourite colour) baggy shirt you thought to wear these. 'Hehe, trynna be aesthetic!' you thought to yourself.


You walked up to your seat, where law was already there, reading a book. You were interested to know what he was reading,but didn't want to invade his privacy by peeking.

"What's it about?" You asked. He just showed you the book cover. "Human anatomy" you rolled your eyes, it's nothing interesting.

Law was going to say something but gets cut off when Kidd comes in front of you both.

"Hey Raccoon bastard!" He said looking at law "move". Law didn't respond or look back at him. 'shit's bout to go down' you thought. Kidd was glaring at you two.

"Why would he?"you asked. You were panicking because everyone in the class obeys him blindly. Mainly for two reasons. Number one- He is a bully and no doubt he is very strong. Number two- His dad is a politician. So no one dares to anger him.

You remembered the time when you were sitting in front of kidd's bench on the first two weeks until one day he threatened the girl beside you to move and he sat beside you instead.

"You don't understand Y/N, do you?" Kidd smirked. You stiffened up. kidd's eye moved to law who was still reading the book as nothing happened. "I. SAID. MOVE." he yelled at law.

Law glared up to him, smirking he said, "what if I don't?". Kidd paused for a bit. "YOU LITTLE SHIT" Kidd yelled and was going to hit him. Law was also ready to accept the challenge, but killer stopped kidd and pointed at the teacher's desk, the maths professor had already come in.

You were too frightened to say anything. It was a lot to process for you.

"Why did you not listen to him?" You whispered to him. "He would not tell me where i should sit." Law replied with a bored tone.

You didn't know if it was simply because he didn't wanna change places or if he wanted to protect you. But most importantly, he did protect you. "Thanksss law" you said. Law sighed.

The maths professor, Mr. Shanks spoke up, "so who is going to solve this question?" While writing a maths problem on the board. ".....law? Would you mind?" He said as he gave a warm smile.

"Sure, but i need to solve it in my copy first" he bluntly replied. You could see the horror in his face, you remembered that he is a bit weak in maths. You were already halfway through solving the problem. You could see him struggling with the problem as you finished. You quietly handed him your copy and whispered, "go".

Law hesitated a bit but went anyway. He solved the problem on board. "As expected from you, Law" he said as law was returning to his seat.

He muttered a little "thanks". "Hehe I returned your kindness" you said smiling. He smiled lightly(too light for you to see) for a second until he was again back to his poker face.

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