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Today you were in a really good mood. Listening to songs of The Weeknd, you were getting ready to leave for University. You even made pasta for lunch.

You checked your phone, only to see texts from kidd. 'How did he even get my number....' you wondered. You didn't even bother to read or reply to his messages.

Reaching the campus. You saw law walking towards class. "Good morning law~" you said running up to him.

Law slowed a bit to match your pace. "Are you prepared for the Biology test today?"you asked. He nodded. "Oh i forgot you are a topper" you said.

The third class was the biology class. 'It's ok....the questions will be easy... I'm prepared' you said yourself while the professor was giving out the question papers.

You got the paper. 'WHAT THE F*CKKKK?? WAS THIS EVEN IN SYLLABUS? WHERE WERE THESE QUESTIONS FROM?' you facepalmed. Looking at law with a side saw him wasting no time to start writing.

After 30 minutes, you were already done with your paper. There were 3 questions you couldn't answer and in others you just made things up. Yes in a subject like biology you made up things.

Law looked at you and saw your question paper...which had 3 questions unmarked. He quietly took out the page in which he wrote one of the questions in.

It was unlike law to do such a thing. You never thought he would be the helping guy in exams. Without any hesitation you copied his answer just changing it up a bit. You also did that with the other two questions.

"Do you want help also?" You whispered. He nodded no. You both later submitted your copies.

"Thank you lawww!!!" You said after the class. He just replied with a 'hm'.


At lunch time, you shared some of your pasta with him. You two were sitting in the cafeteria.

"HEYYY THAT LOOKS SO GOOOODD...CAN I HAVE SOME???" you turned to see a boy in red shirt, jeans, fluffy hair and a deep cut scar under his eye.

"Luffy! Manners!" An orange haired girl along with a green haired muscular guy came up. The red shirt guy apparently 'Luffy' is a bit known to you, as he recently got suspended because he punched a professor as the professor was being rude to a girl.

"It's can have some" you smiled at luffy. He started eating from your lunch box. "THAT'S SO TASTYYY!! SANJI YOU HAVE A COMPETITOR!" he said smiling so much. A yellow haired guy came up.

" are.." sanji said taking out a napkin and placing it on his nose. 'I am?' you thought. " beautiful!!! What is your name??" Sanji said blocking the blood coming out of his nose.

"Y/N L/N" you replied. He looked at you with heart eyes "you are so pretty y/n sannnnn!!!". This sudden compliment made your face light up. "Awww.....thank you.." you replied.

You looked up to law, who was very annoyed. He does not like many people around him.

"ARE YOU A FOREIGNER?" luffy asked. "Yes, I am from [Country name]" , "OH!! SO COOOOL, YOU REALLY DO LOOK LIKE A FOREIGNER".

"Luffy, you should really leave them alone now" the green haired guy said looking at you and law. "OKAYYYY ZORO" luffy said while leaving. "Y/N THANK YOU FOR THE LUNCH!!" he shouted while waving. 'Does this mean I got new friends now?' you thought to yourself being excited.

"We should go now" law said to you.
"Yeah" you replied.

After the classes were over you got out. You were just gonna walk out of the campus, just then a bike came up before you. It was law. 'Damnn he rich' you thought.

Law asked you your address. You told him yours. "That's on my route...". Looking back he said, "Get on".

"B-but I....uhm...wait.." You stuttered as this was totally unexpected.

"If you go alone he is going to approach you" you looked around to see kidd at a distance, coming towards you.

"Damn it.....but" you stopped a bit, "I'M SCARED OF BIKES!!". "How should I get up?" You nervously asked him.

He didn't get annoyed and rather told you how to get on. You could see kidd will reach you if you are too late so u kinda just jumped on his bike and law sped up. Later he slowed down the speed as he knows you are scared of bikes.

Within minutes you reached your apartment. You thanked Law. He did not reply to anything and left. 

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