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'Would this be okay?' you looked at yourself in the mirror, fixing your appearance. You have been overthinking about this moment since yesterday. You felt a lump on your throat as it's almost time for you to go out. Law has earlier sent you his location, and it's just walking distance from your house.

You took up your stuff and locked your front gate to get out. The weather is so good today, clear sky, sunny weather with cold winds. You walked up the road listening to soft music to calm yourself down as your hands are already sweating about thinking of how it all would turn out. Overthinking has always been a problem for you, you just can't live without thinking about how everything would go down.

'I think.....I came into the wrong house' you stared at the literal mansion in front of your eyes. You spent five minutes staring with your mouth open. 'I KNEW HE WAS RICH' you gulped and again checked the nameplate in front, just in case.

'Should I ring the bell or text him that I reached' you thought ' bold Y/N, ring the bell!!' and you rung the bell.

'Coming!' you heard a woman's voice a few seconds later. You tensed up more. The door opened and a woman in her late 40s showed up, she had such a perfect smile. "Hello Y/N, I assume?" She spoke up, welcoming you inside. "Yes Mam" you replied. A click in the nearby room was heard and someone came out.

You were shocked to see Lami came out from her room to see you. 'What?' you were confused. It's the same girl you saw that day with him. "Hello Y/N I'm Lami, his sister!". 'Whaaaat, I thought she was his girlfriend' you mentally facepalmed yourself.

"Oh my god Y/N you are so pretty, which country you are from?" Mrs. Trafalgar asked. "I'm from [Country name]" both of them stared at you for a moment in awe. "You have such a beautiful [h/c h/l] hair and [e/c] eyes."
You were struck with these compliments, you never felt so good getting those before, guess getting compliments from other women does always feel better. "Thank you mam" you said with a soft smile, making them smile more.

Just when you were about to ask about Law, a white ball jumped towards you, you almost fell by its sudden weight. "Bepo!!" Lami yelled. A large Eskimo started jumping near you. Bepo started to lick your hand and gestured a handshake, and frequently sniffed you. 'So adorable' you thought to yourself as you petted him. Soon he was taken away by Lami.

"Oh, by the way Law is upstairs, I'm sorry for his misbehaviour he didn't even bother coming downstairs" Mrs. Trafalgar said with a faint smile as she guided you towards upstairs to Law's room. "I'll excuse myself now" she said smiling. Oh god, she is such a sweet woman.

You knocked on his door nervously. "Come in" he replied. You came in to see him wiping his head with a towel, wearing a black shirt with grey sweatpants. He just got out of the bath,he smells nice.

 He just got out of the bath,he smells nice

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You were stuck. 'OH. MY. GOD.' you mentally screamed. Did he always look THIS good? How come I never realised that before, he does look..... You stared at him from up to bottom.

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