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You woke up annoyed to your alarm. You are DEFINITELY NOT A MORNING PERSON. "Chill....the next two days will be good" you assured yourself.


It's lunch time already. You were sitting in the cafeteria with your so-called "new friends".

Luffy and ussop were making fun of Zoro. "Y/ you know what happened today? " Ussop said while laughing so much that he almost can't speak. "No..." You answered. "He got lost on his way to the cafeteria so he-" he got cut off by zoro punching him.

"He entered the girls bathroom" chopper finished the sentence and luffy started laughing while eating and food all over his face. "CHOPPER, WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT????" Zoro yelled.

"Y/N swannnnnn, Nami swannnn I made lunch for you ladies" the blonde boy said with heart eyes. It was so delicious. No wonder everyone loves his food. "SANJI... IT'S SO GOOD" you almost yelled, making him blush. "Pervert cook" Zoro commented, on which they started fighting again.

You were chatting with Nami, you two became good friends in such a short period of time. Nami must've found you interesting since her favourite subject is geography and meanwhile you are a foreigner. Many times she would ask you about your country and its famous locations.

Luffy and his friends are called "straw hats" here since they formed a band at last year in summer festival. You were not here then but you heard from Nami, how bad of an idea it was. It was luffy's idea since he wanted to have fun. In the festival, luffy sang, Franky and sanji were dancing while zoro was on drums wearing a maid outfit. It was so hilarious that it still traumatises Nami. She said that luffy sang awfully, and ran out in the end when he saw a shop selling grilled meat. If you were there you would have burst out laughing

After lunch time, you came back to your class where law was sitting, scrolling on his phone. You sat in your place.

After the history class by Miss Nico Robin, it was supposed to be the Biology period by professor Marco.

Already 10 minutes have gone, still Prof. Marco didn't come. Well you could care less, you were mostly on your phone.

"Sorry to inform you students, but Prof. Marco is absent today due to some emergency" you looked up to see Miss Robin. "Since there are no substitute teachers available right now, you all are free to go." Your face lit up, this day can't be any better!

But also, if you just went home, it will still be boring. You will probably sleep. You saw law packing up his bag, ready to leave.

"Heyyy Law" you called "let's go somewhere!". Law looked up, totally uninterested "why?" He asked.

"What why? There will be no class anyway". "I have to study" law said picking up his bag. "COME ON NOW! You study all of the time. A break once in a while doesn't hurt." You said whining like a kid. You spent the next ten minutes for him to finally give in.

"Where are we going?" That's a question you don't know the answer to. "Um......I don't know!!" You said, gaining an 'are you serious' look from him.

"Well....since you are going according to my plan....then decide where we will go". It did not take him even a second to answer "you will go to your house or whatever and I will go to mine". "Shut up! I will shove a bread down your throat" and with that he remained silent.

 "Shut up! I will shove a bread down your throat" and with that he remained silent

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I'm back after a long time!!! I'm sorry for the late updates and small chapters

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I'm back after a long time!!! I'm sorry for the late updates and small chapters. It has been more than a month since I last published a chapter. I am not good at writing these tho....idk how am I doing.

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