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"Woah....this is the amusement park??!!" You said with glowing eyes, in front of the gate while law looked indifferent as always. "It's been so long since i visited an amusement park!!"

After entering the gate you eyed all your surroundings, it's the biggest amusement park you have ever seen. Looking at a map you started choosing the rides.

"What about a swing ride?" Law said smirking beside you leaning on the wall.

"HELL NO, ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US" you gulped at seeing the swing ride, it would definitely give you a heart attack. You heard Law slightly chuckling.

"Okay let's first start with the Roller coaster!" You said while pointing at it, though being totally unsure of what's gonna come next. "Sure" said law.


"Got the tickets, let's go" paying for the tickets, you waved at law, who was already watching you from behind for a long time.

You two got on your seats, attaching the seatbelts, Law ensured if you both are following every safety measures, and if you are properly wearing your seatbelt. You two waited at the rollercoaster countdown already started. 10....9....8...7...

"Are you scared?" he asked. "What of course n-" the rollercoaster started. "Aaaaaaaaa" you screamed. After 10 seconds you regained yourself, "oh what? I'm fine, it just caught me off guard" you looked at law who looked like he would definitely tease you if he wasn't in this ride too.

The rollercoaster reached its highest point, ready to drop down anytime. "Hey we reached the maxima, ready to fall at minima any moment" you joked. "Y/N-ya that wasn't fu-" he got cut off by the sudden drop.

Even when you are provided the seatbelts you held his shirt with your hand while screaming. A feeling of fear, excitement and enjoyment rushing through your whole body.


"Are you okay?!" you asked law, while you are the one who isn't okay. It's been so long since you had a rollercoaster ride so you felt this scared.

"Why did I come here" Law muttered under his breath, taking a seat beside you.

You were going to say something, but you felt your phone buzzing, looking at your phone, you dropped a sweat. It's your mom calling.

"Hello, mom?" You picked up the call and talked with her in your native language.

Law seemed too concentrated to listen to what you were saying, even though he doesn't understand your language.

The other people passing by looked at you like you are talking in an alien language, but it's fine since that is a normal reaction seeing a foreigner talk in other language. "You grab too much attention" law said.

"Why is it so loud beside you?" your mom asked, obviously being too suspicious of you. 'I'm in an amusement park, of course it's gonna be loud' you thought to yourself.

"Nothing, our last class is dismissed, we all are going to go home" you lied. "Okay.....who is with you" your mom asked.

"Oh it's law-" you paused "LAWRA i mean" you lied because you know your mom didn't send you here to hang out with boys. It seemed like your mom didn't get very suspicious of you. After a bit chat you hang up the call.

"Seriously....lawra?" Law asked, totally disappointed. "Oh you understood?" You were totally shocked.

"Just because I don't understand your language, that doesn't mean I wouldn't understand this, you lied that you are with a girl, didn't you?" Law asked. You nodded.

Classmates [Trafalgar Law x Foreigner reader fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now