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"Wait.....Y/N-ya" law said while you were dragging him out of the hallway, this was the first time he called you like this. You turned around to look at him.

"Why are you going with me?" You gave him an 'are you serious' look. "Isn't that obvious? You are my classmate and friend. You are my first friend and isn't it normal for us to hangout? And apparently our schedules are the same so there will be no problem!"

"Classmates....." Law muttered under his breath. "Did you say something?" You raised an eyebrow

Law stared at you and sighed. He didn't resist anymore. "Where would you like to go?" He asked and you took out your phone.

"I am new here, so i haven't actually checked out many places" you replied as you were opening up the Google maps in your phone. An idea came up in your mind. "Hey let's have lunch first" you said as you looked up at law with glowing eyes "What about this restaurant?" You showed him your phone.

You had this restaurant in your bucket list. That's why you had saved it's location in your phone. This was the perfect time to check this place out.

Law averted his gaze from you. "Sounds good" he said leaning towards you to check what you were seeing on your phone. "Then let's gooo" you said walking out of the campus with law.


"Woah" you whispered as you were standing in front of the restaurant. It does look very lavish and better than what was shown in reviews. The restaurant's name was "Baratie". This was the first time you have ever seen a ship-themed restaurant.

One of the workers opened the door to welcome and take you two to the table.

Law took up the menu to see what he will get while you were busy taking pictures. After you were done you walked up to law who was still concentrated on the menu.

"You memorizing the menu or what?" You said jokingly to him. He looked rather thoughtful, "what will you get Y/N-ya?". "I thought you would decide what we will eat" you said rather disappointed.

"I don't know what to get, you choose whatever you think i should try" you said looking at him. "Then i suggest you to try (food name) along with (dish name)" you smiled at him.

You saw from far, a blonde guy wearing chef outfit coming at you two. When he got closer, you recognised him. "SANJI!!YOU ARE HERE?" You called out and his nose started bleeding.

"Y/N SWAAAA- WAIT......YOU?" he looked at law, who was already annoyed you can tell. "Y/N swan why are you with him?Is this a date?" Sanji looked hurt. Both of your eyes went wide at Sanji.

"What?no" you looked a bit embarrassed "Our classes got dismissed so i thought we should hangout a bit" you smiled at him making him blush. "Okay, I will prepare your lunch myself and give a discount" he said as he took up on your order ".....not you" he added looking up at law. Law rested his forehead on his right hand on the table while regretting his decision to come here. Sanji went away taking both of your orders.

"How do you tolerate him?" Law asked after sanji walked away, you laughed at his reaction.


"Y/N make sure to visit again....BUT WITHOUT HIM" sanji said holding your hand. "Sure! The food was super delicious, thank you sanji!" You said and went to the counter and took out your card to pay.

"There's no need for that" law said as he already had his card in hand. "No....wait...it was my plan i will pay" you looked up to law. "I listened to you back then and now you will listen to me" he said as he already handed his card. Taking up the bill he said, "What? That pervert gave you a 75% discount....what the hell" he looked really disappointed.

You two left the restaurant and sanji waved you. "your recommendation was really good! It was really delicious" you said. "I know, that's why i suggested it to you" he has a soft look in his eyes.

"Now what's next?" You looked up to him. It would be a waste of you two don't do anything else.....thinking up a minute you said, "Let's go to Amusement park!!!".No replies. He definitely didn't expect that.

"Law?" You called him. "What are you, a five year old?" He chuckled getting a glare from you. You can see he is having a good time with you.

"I didn't go to much amusement parks when i was a kid, and this place is better than my city so it will have better rides" you said excitedly. "Come on law, we will have fun!" You poked his arm.

"Okay" he sighed. And you two headed to your next destination, to the "Amusement Park".


(Imagine this is how he looks while he's in the restaurant with you)

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(Imagine this is how he looks while he's in the restaurant with you)


Author's note:

Again....another late update....but I'm sorry I'm not getting enough time. I have some ideas of what I'm going to do next in the story but i just don't get enough time to write these. Again I'm updating after a month. Do tell me your thoughts by commenting and I'm not much experienced so you can tell me any corrections. See you again <3

Classmates [Trafalgar Law x Foreigner reader fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now