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You looked up your phone to check the notification.


Law: Tomorrow 10 AM at Pharmacology Practical room. If you can't find it, just text me when you reach.

You: Do I really have to come though?

Law: Yes, you agreed to it.

You: .....

Law: I'll take you on a lunch after class.

You: Are you trying to bribe me?

**Law is typing....**

You: It's working :)

**Law erased his text**

You: What are you typing for so long?

Law: Nothing, so do you agree?

You: Yes.

Law: Thanks Y/N-ya. I'll see you tomorrow.


'That man sure gets what he wants' you thought to yourself being half mad, 'But also, I wouldn't have done it if it was someone else' you sighed. It's pretty obvious that you have taken a liking to him now.

It's not that you doubt Law's skills. It's the syringe that you fear. Growing up, you could never even look directly at it when you took injections, trying to turn your head as far as you could, grabbing the chair handle tightly.


You sighed as you got up. It's your day off at University, and no way you've woke up at this time if it isn't for Law. And this time you actually did some effort to get ready(Good job Y/N).

Just as you reached the campus, you headed to the Pharmacology room. 'Everyday I discover new places here....' you thought while walking through the hallway. This University is too large for your liking. Nonetheless, you found the Pharmacology room and you peeked inside quietly, trying not to disturb anybody. Your eyes quickly caught the tanned man's figure, inside the room. He was focused on some paperworks while casually fidgeting his pen. You wished you could keep staring at him like this.

You made your way to him and he immediately fixed his sitting posture seeing you. Giving a soft smile he stood up, "I'm glad you came" . He turned around and started walking, expecting you to follow him. He sat on the chair next to a table, filled with various syringes, blood samples, little containers and things you know what those are used for but can't name them. He gestured you to sit in the seat in front of him.

You watched him as he took out a syringe, cotton and some rubbing alcohol from the drawers and kept it on a metal tray. Law gestured you to show him your arm and you rolled up your sleeves to do so. Just as he hold your arm to inspect the veins, you flinched at the coldness of his hands and retreated back your hand, unintentionally. He looked confused but a little hurt as he stared at you for a moment. 'Shit.....' you mentally facepalmed.

"Oh.....right" Law got up from his chair. You don't even know what is going on his mind. Avoiding any eye contacts, he handed you a form attached to a clipboard, "Fill this up, I'll be back in a moment" and he just stormed off.

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