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You stayed up late studying the notes he had written in your copy earlier. That really is embarrassing. 'Damn I wonder what his reaction was while correcting my mistakes' a soft blush of embarrassment appeared in your face. Well fuck.


It's midnight, he's still awake. Trying to study in his own room, but he can't concentrate. Thoughts are all clouded up in his mind. Realising it's no good, he thought of relaxing for a while. He took out his phone and searched on social media 'Y/N L/N' and he found your account. Not many pictures but really good ones. You are choosy about your photos after all. You look happy in all of the pictures. Dopamine rushed through his body.

Until he suddenly realised he was looking at your pictures without you knowing. He closed the app. 'what was I doing....I'm not a stalker' he thought to himself while regretting, your pictures still floating in his mind.

"Oh~ my brother can't concentrate?" Law turned around to see his sister standing near the door, smirking at him. She is definitely going to tease him!

"Lami, don't! I'm too tired for this shit. Go and sleep" Law said with a frustrated tone. "Is that so? Was that really why you have been trying to study but can't get anything done?" Lami does know something.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said, standing up and rearranging his books on the desk, trying to act calm and normal as usual. "But...." Lami tried to argue and tease him, but Law walked up to her.

Law totally ignores her statement and closes the door on her. Did Lami see her brother stalking you? Guess we'll never know.


You don't have classes today, neither does Law. You woke up really late, taking total advantage of a holiday.

Looking outside your window, the first person who came to your mind is none other than Law. You buried your face into your pillow out of embarrassment.

Looking into your fridge, you realised you don't have anything to eat. 'Shit....' you have to go to groceries. It's hard being abroad, you didn't have to take care of these kinds of problems when living with family, but now your responsibilities have increased. "I wanna go home" you said miserably.


"Law, yesterday you ignored me" Lami whinned loudly, making sure their mom hears. 'This girl is gonna be the end of me' a vein popped up on his forehead. "What?!" he almost yelled, adding fuel to her excitement.

"Should I tell mom that you're distracted nowadays, and why you are distracted?" Law darted her a death glare. "I don't know what you're talking about".

"Oh please! I saw you with a girl on your bik-" she got totally cut off by Law putting his hand on her mouth so that their mom can't hear. He dragged her to the other side, while she was laughing too loudly.

"Sometimes I wonder why you were even born" Law said while massaging the bridge of his nose. Lami laughed. "It's okay, buy me an ice cream and I won't tell do we have a deal?" Law's eyes went wide. Of course she is going to blackmail him from now on, that was expected, but nothing can be done now.

Law sighed,"Okay, but before you jump into conclusions, she is just a friend, whom I dropped off. And I don't want mom and dad to be suspicious unnecessarily, that is why I'm agreeing." "Yeah sure sure, don't make me wait now, lets go" Lami said hurrying.

*Your POV*

'I think it's enough for this month'. I already have bought whatever I need. Carrying up my stuff, I exited the shop. It's just a 5-10 minute walk to the apartment from here.

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