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Like always, nothing goes as planned. It was just last Friday when you were in the amusement park with Law. Getting totally soaked in rain that day, you caught a fever. You couldn't attend University on Monday and Tuesday. Now here you were, walking up the stairs to your class on a Wednesday morning with a headache, looking pale.

"Where were you?" You heard his voice from behind. "I caught a cold" you said as you headed to your bench. Law looked at you with a soft gaze, "I see".


It was the last class before lunch. You felt totally drained out. The medications you took this morning seems to show its side effects, making you feel sleepy. You lowered your head,resting your head on your arms on the bench.

Law noticed you being too tired, he scooted away his books on the bench to give you more space to rest.

You fell asleep a while later, not even caring what is going on in the history class by Miss Nico Robin. You liked history, but not as a subject. History is sure interesting and amazing when it's told like a story, but when it becomes a subject, it feels much hard and boring, it feels like you are obliged to remember every single thing which happened with the exact date and year, which makes it boring. But you sure liked your history teacher so you made sure to attend her classes.

You woke up hearing a sudden loud crash. It was Kid, who was maybe pissed off today for some reason, so he just decided to kick off his bench and then leave the class suddenly.

"He really is an asshole" you looked at Law. He was nodding while writing something, wait....not writing, more like copying something from one copy to another. Miss Robin never used to give notes unless it was necessary so it felt weird. But you didn't bother asking him though.

The rest of the period went by you almost falling asleep several times.


You came to the cafeteria to meet your friends. You asked if Law wanted to come, but he refused as he was busy copying those. 'I wonder what he was writing' you thought to yourself.

"Y/N!!! WHERE WERE YOU FOR THE PAST TWO DAYSSSS!!" you felt a strong hug from behind, almost making you fall. "LUFFY!!" nami smacked his head, freeing you from his hug.

"Nshihi....SORRY Y/N, I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THATT" luffy apologized still laughing"BUT WHY WERE YOU ABSENT?". "I caught a cold" you replied.

Nami was going to say something but she was immediately cut off by sanji running towards you, crying. "Thank God you are well, Y/N" he said while taking your hand within his. "I thought that bastard did something to you, if you didn't come today I would have called the cops on him or would have taken matters in my hand!"

"Which bastard?" Chopper asked curiously. "The guy with whom Y/N was on a date last Friday" sanji said frowning.


"You were on a date with him,hmm?" Nami smirked. "It wasn't a date I swear" you said nervously.

"Oh come on, we have seen you on his bike" Zoro said teasingly. You felt your face heating up.

Nami hugged you, "oh? Why is your face heated up? Are you blushing?? Let me see". "....I think my fever is back" you said nervously.

"Now, let's be serious, was it a date?" She asked you. "No of course not!" You almost immediately replied.

"My Y/N and that bastard came to the restaurant where I work, and that guy was looking constantly at her." Sanji said, looking a bit hurt.

"Seems like it was a date to Law" Zoro said. You could have tried to convince him it wasn't a date to any of you but Zoro is not gonna believe that.

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