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It was pouring heavily when I got down at the bus stop. Just returning home after shopping with Nami and Vivi. I enjoyed this afternoon so much. Though, I didn't realise it would be raining so much, would've left earlier then. Now I'm here struggling with my shopping bags in one hand and the umbrella in other. My shoes and jeans already wet, my shoes making a funny squeaky sound while I try to jump over the little puddles of water here and there. I was quite near Law's house while someone who was personally sent by God to ruin my rest of the day and my cute fit passed by me in a bike, splashing all the dirty rainwater on me. Why the FUCK is it me always?

I was going to curse him under my breathe because even I know I don't have the courage to speak up. But seems like he realised his mistake as he just parked and went up to me. His Helmet seems familiar......oh. SHIT.

'Sent from heaven indeed-' . I mentally facepalmed, I wish to disappear right now.

No wonder I like biker guys.

"Y/n-ya, I'm so sorry I-" he looked away for a moment, his helmet still on. "Get up" he said as he took the shopping bags and hanged on the side of his bike, his voice commmanding and I couldn't even say anything. Seems like he will be taking me to his house. I wish I could very much tell him that I would prefer him to drop me my home, I can't stand being in wet clothes, but he was totally soaked in rain, more than me.

Just as we reached

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Just as we reached. I stood under the shed while he parked, took out a bunch of keys and opened the main door. Looks like no one else is home, my face heated up from that realisation. 'Does that mean- ' My thoughts were quicky interrupted by Law's grumpy voice, "Move". My fault realIy, I was standing in the middle of the entrance, blocking his way. Then I was met with Bepo jumping all over us, too excited, I guess he was home alone for quite a time.

It just started thundering. Also I couldn't help but notice Bepo flinching by the sound of every thunder. Aww, poor baby. I tried to comfort him.


"Sorry Y/n-ya, I didn't notice you were walking by, I was in a hurry...." his voice trailed off as his eyes landed on something, a little blush forming. He soon moved his gaze around the room. You looked down to notice your white shirt was soaked and your innerwear completely visible. Before you could change the topic, Law did, "It's thundering now, it's not safe to go outside, I'll get you something to change into, stay until the rain ends" you followed after him to the stairs. Law was wearing a black shirt, his form much more noticable now that his shirt is totally drenched. Wet strands of hair covering much of his forehead and eyes. He directioned towards his room.

"I think Lami's clothes will fit-" you got interrupted, "Unfortunately, she always locks her door when she goes out, since Bepo ruins her plushies" Law said entering his room. He searched his closet, a hint of redness on the tip of his ears as he carefully picked a yellow-black hoodie and trousers. He handed you those and then went downstairs without saying anything, probably to give you some privacy. After you locked the door to his room, you stood there for some moments, questioning reality. The hoodie was too big on you, a smily drawn on it, like some kinda jolly roger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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