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[A/N: From the comments of last chapter I'm gonna hunt each of y'all down, because THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE LAW LOVER, AND THATS ME. Btw you all really live in so cool places though.]


You eyed the wall clock. Time was tickling away as you sat there, practicing your lines for the presentation in the midnight.

English is not your first language. Basic English is not hard but continuously speaking it, while a whole class is watching close is. You never had a problem in speaking English, but coming here, you are quite insecure of your own accent, your own identity. You can't help but stutter at some point if you're speaking it fast. But that's what the script is for, which you're practicing now.

'I'm still a bit stuttering....' you thought as you now slowly chanted away what you were memorising.


You were sitting in the class, copying whatever Mr. Caesar was teaching. Uninterested, you had your other hand on your phone, keeping it a bit lower, away from others to see. You were scrolling through reels.

"This is the 12th time I'm seeing reels of this stupid trend on your phone" Law replied in a low voice, totally unamused. "I kinda like this trend" you said, getting a sigh from Law. "It's just that you have no humour" you said as you scrolled through again.

"My humour is not that broken that I would laugh at some stupid blue 'smurf cat'. It's so weird" he said as he saw you liking another one of those reels.

You ignored him and continued your scrolling. Seems like he doesn't like your addiction to social media. He quickly took the phone from your hands."HEY-" "I'll give it back after class" he had a playful grin plastered on his face. No amount of struggles would bring him to give your phone back.

"By the way, after class would you like to work on the assignment?" He suggested, you nodded. " at the library after class" you both decided.

After class, you wasted no time and reached the library with Law. Finding seats, Law was putting out his stuffs on the table while you were searching for books you might find helpful for the assignment, at the historical book section. Suddenly you heard loud snoring.

Being a bit annoyed, it didn't require much time to find the source, it was a boy from your class, short black wavy hair falling lazily on his forehead, reaching his eyes, small brown freckles decorating his face. You have mostly seen him shirtless outside the campus. He has a large fanbase though.

You can't be mad at him, as you knew his condition. He suffers from Narcolepsy, so he falls asleep anytime anywhere. Just when you were about to leave, you saw a blond guy sitting just beside him. He's also from your class, he has a burn scar on his left eye, which compliments his face. He wears an unusual black hat, of very....interesting taste.

"Oh, fancy meeting you, Y/N" The blonde guy, named Sabo, greeted noticing you, "you're here for the presentation...I assume?" He asked smiling. "Yes" you replied. You didn't know what more to say to him because you haven't actually talked to him before. "Oh sorry about him....I'm here too because of the presentation, since in my team I'm the only one working, I don't think I'll wake him up, if he's bored he will cause trouble" he stares at you apologetically. "Oh no it's completely fine..." You said back.

Sabo was actually one of the rankers in your class. He would probably be second or sometimes first in all the tests, rivaling Law. He is actually so friendly and calm. He was your second option to sit next to if Law didn't let you sit with him in the first place. Sabo and Ace are together mostly and they leave with luffy after class.

Classmates [Trafalgar Law x Foreigner reader fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now