Chapter 4

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Steve's POV

I was staring at her, mesmerized by the way she was focused on observing the Hydra Base and telling us all the little details. What made her look more mesmerizing was the way her veins near eyes popped. I snap out of my thoughts when Bruce slaps my back with a playful smile "let's go". I nod and get onto my bike. Hinata looked at Clint and Natasha get onto the jeep then at me. She walked towards me hesitantly and asked "may I come with you?". A wide smile forms on my face and I immediately reply "yes!... I mean..yeah sure". Ahh the chuckle she gave made me smile wider.

She gets on behind me and we all share a look before zooming into the forest. Her hands wrap around me and I was extra careful with my driving now. Just when I was thinking of how to knock out the two gaurds in front of us, I feel a gush of wind and the path cleared with those two flying away. I look back to see her right arm stretched out and a silly smile on her lips. "No one told me this was going to be so violent" she mumbled making me grin and without a worry zoom ahead towards the base, while she knocked down most of the gaurds in our way. The ones she missed were taken down by me and my shield. I no time I come to a stop infront of the base to see Tony already knocked out the guys in there. Hinata gets off the bike and smiles "you can go inside. I'll just stay here". I could feel her getting nervous so I just nod and go in.

Hinata's POV

The only thing that made me attack all those people was the urge to keep Steve unharmed. After he walks in I turn around to be faced with a tanker and some more gaurds. I sigh and activate gentle fist twin lions to destroy the tank. With one blow, the tanker was destroyed and I hear a gasp from behind me. I turn around to see Natasha. "Woah. It would be nice to have you keep the entrance clear so that we can do our work inside." She says and I nod watching her sprint inside the building.

I look around and feel something strange but before I could activate my Byakugan, I feel a sharp pain in my ribs and fall to the ground. I quickly stand up and a guy appears in front of me. I narrow my eyes at him and activate my Byakugan. In a blink, he was out of my eyesight. I smirk still being able to see him behind me and get into a quick stance. I again feel a gush of wind from behind me but deflect it. I could hear him groan and attack again just to be deflected again. This went on till he got frustrated and his attacjs became more readable. Seeing an opening I quickly hit his chest and whisper "shotei..." ["Palm heel strike..."]. He falls to the ground clutching his chest and coughs out blood. I back away from him and sense the Avengers coming back. In a blink, he again disappeared but this time into the building.

I sigh and sit down on the pile of gaurds I had put up and deactivate my Byakugan. The first one to come out was Tony, holding something in his hands. He raises an eyebrow seeing where I was sitting and chuckles "now I get it why Nick sent you with us". I give him a small and watch Steve practically sprint towards me with a worried look but he stop when his eyes meet mine and smiles. I smile and get up but frown when I see Thor walk out with an injured Clint. I say nothing and just follow everyone towards the thing we flew into. Steve was walking beside me, our hands ever so slightly brushing against each other's.

Getting into the thing, Thor lays Clint onto a table and I ask Clint if I could examine the wound. He hesitates but nods. I was about to walk towards him but stumble when Tony starts flying the thing. Luckily, instead of falling in the floor, I stumble into someone's arms. My face goes red and I pull away immediately bowing "Sorry Sorry I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stumble into you.." Steve chuckles making me look up at just to turn away again blushing.

I just walk towards Clint and unwrap the cloth that was around his hips. Blood drips down on the table. Natasha hands me a box and I open it to see tubes, cotton, and gauze in it. I just take some cotton and dab it onto the wound gently. By now everyone was surrounding the table but I just focus on the wound. I apologise when I hear him groan and blow into the wound. Smiling I place both my palms against his skin and focus my chakra to heal him. I hear multiple gasps when the greenish energy emits from my palms. I see a relaxed expression on Clint's face and smile, taking back my hand. The wound was completely healed.

"How!" Tony practically yells making me flinch and hold Steve's hand who was right behind me. Seeing my reaction, Tony apologies and just pokes into Clint's skin. I chuckle but lean onto Steve, feeling light headed. He frowns and holds my hand with one hand and wraps the other around my shoulder before leading me towards a chair. I sit down and smile at him "thank you. I just feel a bit tired." He sits down beside me and just smiles. I feel my eyes starting to close and subconsciously lean my head onto his shoulder before falling asleep.

Steve's POV

I smile and hold her hand as she falls asleep on my shoulder. Clint was already off the table and moving around seemingly energized "your mate is awesome Steve". I chuckle seeing him get so happy "she definitely is...."


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