Chapter 20

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The whole lawn was decorated white and red theme. Ribbons tied to wooden chairs, flowers everywhere. The heroes of this planet all scattered around the lawn, talking and having fun after the big battle.

Well everyone was having fun, then there was Steve Rogers, dressed in royal blue tuxedo, having five year old kids, yet nervous about the wedding. Buck and Bruce were busy calming him down. Well Bucky was being more of a pain in ass rather than actually helping.

Hinata was a little nervous too. She was in a white wedding gown, nice and fluffy. Wanda was curling her hair into soft waves, even after the girl's hesitance. Valkyrie stood leaning on the door and watching the girl talk about what could possibly go wrong.

Meanwhile the kids were busy messing with Thor and Tony. Ava and Morgan hanging on Tony's arms while Adrain was questioning Thor how it felt like to be a god, what powers he had and what Asgard was like. Thor was liking the attention though the kid was quite curious.

"Well Steve it's time" Bruce smiled. "What?? Already..... Okay okay Steve calm down, it's just a wedding. Everything's gonna be alright." Steve took deep breaths and stood before the priest.

"Let's go Hina" Stephen said extending his arm. Hinata linked her arm with his and smiled "it's finally happening...."

Pietro opened the door and winked at her "looking pretty Hina. I bet Steve won't be able to take his eyes off you"

Hinata blushed as Stephen lead her down the aisle. And Pietro was right, Steve's eyes were wide and a small smile played on his lips.

Steve extended his hand as Stephen place Hina's hand on his. Giving a protective brother look at Steve and walked away.

The priest began to speak but the couple were busy staring into each other's eyes.

No matter how many times he looked, Steve always found himself lost in those lavender orbs.

"Mr. Steve Rogers, do you take Hinata Hyuga as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Steve grinned and said "I do". His soft and loving voice made Hinata giggle and reach out to hold his hand.

"Ms. Hinata Hyuga, do you take Steve Rogers as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do.."

Steve squeezed her hand gently as his heart raced.

"I pronounce you as Husband and Wife. You many now kiss the bride"

Steve wasted no time in wrapping his arms around her and locking their lips. The crowd cheered as the couple parted with wide smile on their faces.

"Congratulations mom dad!" Ava screamed with a wide smile on her face and immediately ran off to the food counter.

Soon the couple started making conversations for the rest of the evening.

"Hinata" T'Challa said with a small grin as he approached her. Hina chuckled "hello your majesty". The king smiled shaking his head. His eyes fell upon her cheeks. He caressed the scar "sorry about that. You were right. It wasn't actually his fault". Hinata smiled as her eyes drifted to Bucky then Steve, who were having a hard time chasing after the twins. "The past is in the past. I hold no grudges"

T'Challa walked away with a smile. Hinata walked ahead towards the ladies. "Looks like the bride finally got some time for us" Wanda smirked. Before hinata could reply, there was a blue swoosh and hinata now stood at the centre of field with Pietro.

"May I have this dance?" He asked but the song was already playing he was in the posture. Hinata shook her head smiling and placed her hand on his shoulder "unique way to ask".

"Hey! I'm supposed to have the first dance" Steve scowled. "You're too slow super soldier" Pietro smirked and hinata played along by sticking her tongue out at Steve.

"They remind me of Ava and Adrain" Tony rolled his eyes. "Speaking of the devil...." Peter mumbled as he saw Ava run towards them. She pounced onto her father and said "will you dance with me daddy?".

Steve grinned and held her arms, having to bend over and started to sway with the girl. Soon enough he picked her up and twirled her around, making the kid giggle loudly.

Hinata watched them with a soft smile as Stephen stood beside her "you've got a great man". "Yeah...... How did I get so lucky.."

Hinata then looked at Stephen and hugged him, surprising the sorcerer. "Thank you so much Stephen. Thank you"

"Hey hey! Don't get emotional now" Stephen said more like trying not to cry himself.

Hinata chuckled and pulled away. Stephen nodded towards Steve who was watching them with a smile.

Hinata walked towards her husband "may I have this dance captain?". Steve grinned and pulled her closer to him, wrapping one arm around her waist, and holding her other hand. Hinata rested her free hand on his shoulder and smiled.

Soft melody played as the couple danced, lost in their own world. Their eyes were filled with love and affection.

Hina rested her head on his shoulder and said "I love you Steve Rogers.."

"I love you more Mrs. Rogers...."


Let me know how it was! I'll make some short chapter liking the twins training or romance between Steve and Hina, just drop down any requests in the comments.

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