Chapter 8

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Hinata's POV

I smile softly and hug him "I'll miss you Thor. The next time you come, do teach me how you did that braid". He chuckles and ruffles my hair before taking a few steps back "see ya". Light surrounds him and disappears, leaving behind a mark on the lawn. "That man has no regard for lawn maintenance" Tony grumbles. I giggle and turn around letting the friends have their talk. Steve glances at me between their conversation then smiles. Tony gets into his car and I wave him a good bye.

Walking back towards me, Steve wraps an arms around my shoulders and say "so, about the date". "Yeah.." I smile and he walk with me inside "I was thinking of some shopping then dinner, maybe a movie, if there is anything good". I shrug "shopping is something I really need. I can't just depend on Natasha's closet". I pause seeing the girl staring at a wall. "Want to keep staring at the wall or do you wanna go to work?... I mean pretty interesting wall though" Steve says making her turn around. "You and Tony we're still gazing into each other's eyes.." she says making me nod "yeah, I was jealous". She rolls her eyes "oh don't get me started on how you two look at each other".

I chuckle and jump off the platform, lading beside the other five, two of them still unknown to me. "Avengers.." Steve says in a stern yet proud way.


I groan before collapsing on the floor beside Wanda "I'm hungry". We had just completed some kind of analysis. The scientist along with the pair of devil trainers had tested all of us and got all our strength and weak points. Guess what.... I had to work more on my physical state and strengthen my body. As much as I liked training, these guys were beasts. Their training could easily be compared with Guy Sensei's and Lee's.

Natasha smiles down at us "don't worry. You'll get used to it". Me and Wanda shared a look and roll our eyes "yeah sure..." She murmurs. I close my eyes and just lay down on the floor for a while. When I open my eyes again, my face heats up seeing Steve staring down at me. He smiles and extends his hand for me to get up. I hold onto his hand and stand up, groaning. "Couldn't you just let us rest for a few days after that tiring battle" I narrow my eyes at him and he just shrugs, making me punch his arm playfully.

We walk out of the training area and go towards our room. "Get ready for the night darling" he says kissing my forehead before walking off into his room which was right beside mine. I walk into my room with a silly smile and throw myself onto the bed.

Steve's POV

I take a shower and change into dark blue jeans and black sweatshirt. Rolling up the sleeves, I set my hair and give myself a final look in the mirror. I wish I would have had a chance like this with Peggy.. I shake my head and walk away from the mirror. I don't have to think about her now. I have my soulmate with me. I love Hinata...

I shake off the thoughts of Peggy and walk out of the room with a wide smile. Knocking on her door, I hear a faint come in and open the door just to have my eyes go wide. There she was, standing in front of the mirror and brushing her hair. A magenta turtle neck dress wrapping around her curves perfectly, her lavender eyes looking at me through the mirror. Gosh... I love those eyes.

I take my time observing her body for the first time and walk in closing the door behind me. She smiles and slides on a baby pink hair band. I wrap my arms around her waist, placing my chin on her shoulder and look into her eyes through the mirror "you look beautiful my love. I might just cancel the plans and give you some company in bed". Her face turns visibly reddish making me chuckle. Her eyes fall down to our feet with a small smile on her lips. I hold her chin gently and turn her head towards me before locking our lips into a passionate kiss.

I pull away after a while and look down at her red juicy lips. A small groan escapes my lips as I slam my lips against hers again. I hear a muffled moan and pull away "let's go before my self control comes to an end". She looks at me with a surprised expression and pulls away "ah...okay." "after you" I say nodding towards the door and she walks out.

Hinata's POV

I had a wide smile plastered on my face as we roamed through the mall. Me and Steve had already done most of the shopping. I was holding his hand and we both had a few bags in our free hand. Steve was wearing a mask to not attract unnecessary attention and I had my sunglasses on, still feeling insecure about my eyes in public. On my first few days here I was insecure about my hair too because no one I saw had dark blue hair, but then Mordo said people dye their hair so it's not a big deal.

I look up at Steve, confused when he suddenly stopped. He nods towards a store and my eyes widen slightly. Undergarments! "Uh...y..yeah.. I forgot about that.." I stutter. He smiles and pulls me into the store "if it's uncomfortable, I'll wait outside". I quickly shake my head as no and leave his hand, walking to the counter. All the while I was busy getting what I needed, he stood behind me, leaning on a pillar. I look back at him to see him already staring at me "I expect something sexy princess". I turn my head away from him immediately and grumble under my breath. The lady in front of me chuckles "such a cute couple. You have a beautiful girl mister." I give her a small smile and she packs the stuff.

Walking out of the store, I elbow his sides and mumble looking away "I don't need anything special to look sexy". "Hmm I require visual proof to believe in something" he says wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. My blush deepens and I whine "my cheeks are burning now!" He laughs and kisses my cheek "cute.."


I smile contently and get into the car "the food was delicious." He nods and starts the car. I turn towards him smiling "thank you honey....". He looks at me smiling "no need to thank me and... I like the nickname". I smile sitting back on the seat.

Once we reached the building, I get out and walk besides Steve into the building. It was pretty late at night so everyone seemed to have retired to their room. We both go to our own room and I freshen up, changing into shorts and tshirt we had just got. I was still in the bathroom washing my face when I hear the door open and close. I smile and wipe my face dry before walking out just to have my eyes go wide and my face heat up.

He turns towards me and smiles but my eyes were fixed on his muscular chest. He was wearing just a sweatpant.....just a sweatpant! I snap out of my thoughts when I hear his voice "like the view?" I look up at him and nod. He chuckles and gets on one side of the bed. I smile and turn off the lights, just keeping the night lamp on. Getting in beside him, I place my hand on his chest and trail my fingers along his well defined muscles. He let me do what I wanted and when I finally look up at him, he places a kiss on my forehead and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me against his chest. I smile shyly and caress his cheek with my thumb "it might be too soon to say this but..... I love you Steve". I immediately feel his lips on my and smile as he whispers "I love you too Hinata.."


Such a romantic chapter! I would love to hear your thoughts on the story so far and don't forget to hit the star!

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