Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Hinata's POV

I sigh turning in the stove and placing the steak on the pan. It had been a few months after the fight between the Avengers. Me and Steve had got an apartment and tried to lay low for a while. The world was slowly letting go all the loss that had happened during the Sokovia fight. New channels had finally moved on from the accords.

A pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and I feel his lips on my neck "hello princess. Bucky is staying for lunch". I smile and nod, flipping the steak. He kisses my cheek and leaves me "I won't disturb you while cooking. I don't think we can prevent a fire everytime". I scowl and throw the spatula at him "and who's fault do you think it was". He grins and catches the spatula before placing it on the counter "sorry hun, but you're just irresistible". I blush and turn away from him. I can imagine the smirk on his face.

A few weeks ago he had hugged me like that but well.... It didn't just stop at a hug. We almost burned down the kitchen but that didn't stop him from completing what he started. Let's just say, we didn't need dinner that night.

After a while I serve three plates and call for the super soldiers. They both walk in and Bucky gives him a wide smile "hello Hina. Thank you for the food". "You seriously need to stop thanking me Bucky." I chuckle and sit down beside Steve "so... how's the learning about morden world thing going?". Steve rolls his eyes "he has a long way to go. I'm really proud of you for adjusting to the world and learning everything quickly". I smile and everyone just ate in silence.

After lunch Bucky left for his apartment which was just a few blocks away. I curl up under the blanket and rest my head on Steve's chest. We were on the couch, watching a movie. His one arm was resting on my lap while the other was around my shoulders. "Steve.." I saw looking up at him. He looks down at me and smiles "yes princess". "Let's go on a date. I wanna visit the place called amusement park" I smile cheekily and he nods "anything for you. I haven't went to such places in a long time". "Yeah, sometimes I forget that you're an old man" I tease and he rolls his eyes "but you love this old man"

In the evening I change into a white pleated skirt reaching my mid thigh and a blue tshirt neatly tucked in. My hair were up in a ponytail. I walk out of our room to see Steve waiting by the door. I smile and walk towards him "let's go". He trails his eyes over me and says "do you always have to look so sexy". I slap his shoulder playfully "not my problem". He kisses my forehead and holds my hand before leading me out.

The park was at a walkable distance. Our fingers were interlaced. I smile as we enter the gates and look around. My eyes shining at all the rides. I tug at Steve's arm and walk towards the cotton candy stall. We got a single candy and shared it in a corner where people would not see us, mainly because Steve had to remove his mask to eat. When it was the last piece, I take it between my teeth and stretch on my toes, placing it against his mouth. He smiles and accepts the piece before wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing me. The candy melted in our mouth and do did my heart at the romantic gesture.

I chuckle pulling away "you sure are a romantic guy". He winks and holds my hand again, walking through the place. We tried a few rides and honestly... This was one of the best evenings of my life.

We eventually end up in front of a stall where a person had to hit the machine with a hammer and the bell would raise according to the intensity. "No one has ever reached the top. Whoever does wins the teddy bear" the man behind the stall says. I raise an eyebrow and look at Steve. He holds the hammer in one hand and slams it down onto the mark. I grin at the bell hits the top and rings loudly. The man looks at him shocked, not knowing who's behind the mask and hands the giant teddy bear to Steve. He hands it to me and winks.

We soon head home after dinner and I place the stuff toy on the table in living room. Steve sits on the couch and pats his laugh. I smile, keeping my glasses on the table the sit on his lap, almost as if straddling him. He runs his fingers through my hair and smiles "I love you Hina..". I press my lips against him and whisper "I'm yours Steve....forever". He holds the back of my neck and deepens the kiss.

Soon our clothes were lying around the house while we shared a passionate night together.


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