Chapter 10

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Hinata's POV

I sigh and slump down against a tree. My hands looked almost burned. If it wasn't for the small lake beside me, I would have burned my hands badly. How?..... Well I was practicing some ninjutsu. So far I had only focused on my chakra and gentle fist but I wanted to work on my other chakra nature's too. The team was gone for a mission. Before they could ask me to join, I had already left the building.

The place was surrounded by a forest. Deep into the forest, there was a clearing and a small lake. Steve was definitely going to be worried about me, I had a state of panic while practicing Fire Release Flaming Palm. It was strong enough for him to feel it. I get up and walk onto the water, keeping my chakra focused. Often when my mind wasn't clear, I would loose control over my chakra. I look down into the clear water and think about last night.

Steve asked if I had moved on from Naruto.....and I said I did but....he was hesitant about something. I didn't ask him about it last night itself but... I will do it today. Was something bothering him?.... He could share his problems with me just like I did last night... Does he not trust me? But again we met just a few weeks ago. It might take time to completely adjust to each other...

"What the..... How the hell are you doing that!" I heard a voice beside me which scared me enough to loose my chakra control. I almost feel into the water but the person caught me and brought me to the land, it was Sam. I punch his chest playfully and whine "don't scare me like that!". He laughs and holds my wrists to stop the incoming punches "sorry sorry! Now stop hitting me". I giggle and pull away my hands.

"Come on we gotta go. There's a man from the security council who wishes to talk to all the Avengers" he extends his hand towards me. I look down at his hand and frown "ok. I'll be on my way". He smirks "we don't have enough time for that" with that, his arm was under my knees and around my waist. I yelp as he picks me up and takes off into the sky.

He lands on the balcony and drops me to my feet. In the room everyone stared at us, especially Steve giving Sam a hard glare. I give Sam a playful look and whisper before walking in "someone's in trouble". I sit down beside Wanda, every Avenger was present here except for Bruce and Thor. The man standing by the desk, holding a book, gives me a tight smile and speaks "now that everyone are here...."


I sigh sitting on the couch beside Natasha "that man gave off some weird vibes". Natasha nods "about the accords...". "I don't agree with this" Steve said leaning back on the couch. Sam and James argued on wether the accord was to be signed or no. Tony was unusually quite. "Tony... You're being uncharacteristically non hyper verbal" Natasha say soft and Steve continues "because he's already made up his mind".

Tony tells about a kid who was killed recently due to the actions of Avengers. I just look at them argue, me and Wanda quite the whole time.

"But how are you supposed to know that the people behind this aren't bad ones. From whatever I've known about this place so far.... corruption is everywhere. The council might just have some Hydra spies." I say making everyone look at me. "Kid you haven't been on this planet long enough to judge anything here" Tony says making me glare at me him "that was rude but I won't sign that thing. From the people's point of view it's right because they don't really know what goes on into the background whenever something bad happens. All they are able to see is your battle and not the root of the problem. But we know very well just how restricted we would get upon signing this. Say there is some thug causing destruction in the city. You gonna wait for the 117 countries to allow you to fight and till then most of the people are..." I was cut off by Steve abruptly getting up from the couch "I gotta go". I look up at him as he leaves "dead...".

"She's got a point" Pietro shrugs and Wanda says "we aren't signing that either". Vision tries to talk to her but she gets up and leaves the room. I sigh and look at Pietro leave, then at Sam "I don't want to sign either. Let's all think it through and not rush to make a decision". I get up and grab an ice pack from the freezer before walking out of the room. "Damn it!" I hear Tony curse but don't say anything.

I sigh sitting on my bed and hold the ice pack between my palms to soothe the burns. I was upset about Steve leaving without saying anything, he must have his reasons.

After a few hours I go to the kitchen to the kitchen to get dinner. There was a box of pizza on the table with James sitting and staring at it. I sit down in front of him "mind if I join you". He looks up and smiles "not at all". I take two plates and keep one slice on each, taking one for myself and giving the other to James "you're just trying to support Steve aren't you?" He says. I smile softly and say "not really. I do oppose the accords. I've known of such councils that work for public wellfare but deep down they just want their own benifit.... Back home there was such organisation that ended up massacring a whole clan just because they were said to be the strongest". He nods but doesn't say anything and keeps eating. I do the same myself and once I was done I get up and wash the plate "I don't want this to hamper our friendship Rhodes. The Avengers..... I don't want them to split just because of some stupid set of rules". He doesn't say anything for a while "well...whatever happens, we'll always be friends." He moves his fist towards me and I stare at it confused but them bump my fist with his "deal"


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