Chapter 18

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Steve looks down at his hand which had a burning sensation. His soulmark....... It was reappearing.

"Guys......we did it..."


Throbbing head...... That's what Hinata felt when she woke up on her bed. Her vision was blurry as she tried to remember what had happened. Her gaze followed down to her legs which had dry blood on them. Her hair was a mess and her stomach was flat.


The voices snapped her out of her thoughts as two small figures pounced onto her. She stared at the blue and blonde hairs that brushed on her face. The two pulled away and hinata's eyes stared at the two blue ones. She gently placed her palms on both their cheeks. Unknowingly tears flowed down her eyes.

"Don't cry mommy" the blonde boy wiped her tear and smiled. The smile reminded her of a certain blonde. Steve.......

"What happened?..."

The two kids took turn telling her what happened in brief, mostly just repeating what their father said. When they were done, Hinata wrapped her arms around them and cried "I'm so sorry kids...... I wasn't there for you. I wasn't there when you said your first words, took your first steps.... I'm so sorry"

The kids just comforted their mother and told them how their daddy, uncles and aunts as in the Avengers along with a few other took care of them. She was happily listening to their ranting when a portal opened in front of her and stepped in Stephen.

He briefly smiled at the kids and said "sorry to interrupt the reunion but....we need you".

Hinata quickly changed into battle gear and opened up a portal to the Avengers compound. What she saw reminded her of The Great Ninja War. But she didn't have time to stand and grieve.

She was attacked by multiple creatures who got attracted to her overflowing chakra. She used a mix of her jutsus along with energy manipulation she had learner at Kamar Taj and took down a bunch of creatures.

Steve could feel her presence, her chakra, but he was too occupied trying to pry off the enemy to look for his lover.

Hinata was soon met by Thot who engulfed her in a hug "Lady Hinata". The girl giggled pulling away to send two creatures behind them flying by vaccum palm.

Her eyes find the person she was longing for. "Mind covering us for a bit?". Thor chuckles and nods.


Steve's head snaps towards the lavender eyed girl and she runs towards him, wrapping her legs around his hips and hugging him. "Hina..... I... I missed you so much"

The captain's eyes got teary as the girl pulled away. "Let's end this quickly, we have a lot to talk about....... I met the kids...."

Steve nods and thanks Thor. The two mates stuck together for most of the battle until Hinata parted ways to help out the girls protect the stones.

She was in a good shape. Full of energy after appearing five years later. There were some bruises on her body but nothing too serious.

Her calm demeanor changed completely when she laid her eyes on Thanos. The blond girl seemed to have a hard time dealing with the giant so hinata stepped in.

She used gentle fist combined with fire chakra nature to take the giant by surprise, while the blondie tried to get the glove out of his hand.

"You took away five years of my life..... Because of you I couldn't see my kids grow up...... Because of you..... my love had to suffer alone.....all because of you"

There was a burst of chakra through the whole battle field. It almost seemed as if the battle stopped just to stare at the girl whose veins were popping out like never before. Her fist glowing blue with lion faces.

She let out all of her rage on the purple giant who was taken aback by her unusual techniques and power.

A mother's rage

A lover's rage

Everything the Hinata lost in those five years clouded her mind which lead to powerful blows on the giant. Steve looked at the girl with pride and mumbled "that's my girl"

The rage seemed to be too clouding that she wasn't able to block that one move which would end her life......

Thanos struck his weapon through the girl's chest. The Avengers stared with wide eyes, none of them able to move. Stephen had to hold back Steve from pouncing onto the giant.

"I don't even know who you are, but I praise your bravery and strength. Your techniques are like nothing I've seen before. It would have been nice to have you by my side" the giant said.

Everyone watching the scene were too occupied with their emotions to notice the portal opening on top of Thanos.

The girl who was hanging on the weapon and bleeding disappeared in a puff. Taking Thanos's disbelief to an advantage, Hinata, who was supposed to be dead jumped down from the portal and smashed her purple fist onto his head.

Thanos was smashed to the ground for a moment before grabbing the girl and tossing her against a rock.

Meanwhile Tony had taken the moment to shift the stones to his suit.

"Enough of your games!" The giant said furiously and snapped his fingers "I am inevitable...."

Nothing happened and everyone looked at Tony as the stones got embedded into his suit.

"I. Am. Iron man"


Everyone stared as the creatures began to turn into dust. Steve's arms wrapped around his girl as he watched Thanos disappear. But the girl stumbled out of his hold and towards Tony who was staring at Peter and Pepper.

Tears brimmed the girl's eyes as she gently pushed Peter away and kept her hands on the suit. "I won't let you die Tony. No..... "

Tony smiled softly and shook his head but Hinata just pushed in more chakra into her palms. "Heart rate picking up. Muscular damage repairing at a slow rate" the machine spoke.

"Hinata you're out of energy. This won't take you anywhere" Stephen spoke from behind her. "No! We...we can't loose him." She looked at Tony who still had a smile "the kids told me how you all took care of them. You.... you're Ava's favourite Uncle Tony..... She wants to be like you someday.."

"Ha I told you" Tony smirked weakly at Thor.

"Stephen.... We...we can save him.... together" the girl said feeling her eyes staring to close.

"If you could just keep him alive, I can fix the arc reactor" Bruce stepped in and looked at Stephen with pleading eyes. Stephen nodded and opened a portal to the stark tower. Steve quickly picked up Tony and got him onto a table.

Hinata was quick to follow although her feet were wobbly. Stephen gathered a few other people and stood behind the blue haired girl. "Tell us to stop immediately if it's too much. You can't risk your life".

With a nod, Stephen shaped his energy along with Wanda, Thor and Carol, and transfered it to Hinata. Her body excepted most of the energy and converted it into healing nature which caused a bright green glow and Tony's device spoke "internal damage reparing pace increasing."

Tony was already unconscious. The others who had followed into the tower were staring in surprise. The armies had already been escorted to their places.

Soon everyone stopped the energy transfer as Hinata collapsed. Steve was quick to hold her and sit on a chair with her on his lap "Hina darling, you did great...... Take some rest now..."

With that the girl's eyes closed. Everyone's attention diverted towards Bruce was doing something on the Arc Reactor.

There was silence in the room and thick tension, which was only relived when Bruce smiled and gave a thumbs-up.

Pepper collapsed beside Tony in tears of happiness "I thought I lost him. Thank you so much everyone.... Thank you.."


Ha! Did you think I killed Hinata!
I can't let Tony die! Sorry 😭 Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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