Chapter 7

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(Another update, yayy. We're just gonna skip to the main battle at Sokovia)

Hinata's POV

Destruction was all I could see around me. It was much greater than what I had seen in the Great Ninja War. Civilians were being harmed here, I could here people's cries for help. The Avengers were scattered around the city, fighting robots and getting the civilians out of the place. This wasn't hard for me...well physically but it was getting hard to protect people while also fighting. I had made a promise to myself to not let anyone die on my watch. My Byakugan was activated, my body in a complete alert mode, Steve's voice coming from the ear piece. He was checking on me every minute, it made my heart swell with happiness. "Steve stop it now. As much as I like the way you care but we need to focus. These robots can do no harm to me" I chuckle, my mood completely opposite to the atmosphere around me but...who cares. I hear a chuckle from the other side and Tony speak "if you two are done being a cute couple, I need you all to focus". I blush and don't say anything else, focusing on the people around me.

Just when I was about to destroy another robot, the ground started shaking. My eyes widen and I stumble a bit almost getting hit by a robot. I balance myself again and slam all the robots around me with Vaccum Palm. "What's going on guys, is this an earthquake?" I ask knowing well it wasn't an earthquake. "The city is flying" that was all Tony said making me grumble and release my anger onto the robots. "Guys, the bridge in the north... doesn't seem to hold up well" I say staring into the direction. Byakugan is a big help in such situations. I see Steve and Thor go to the said place and smile. I get all the people into a big clearing to avoid people from getting crushed under any building.

This seemed to have no end. Robots kept coming at us and we kept fighting. After what felt like forever, I hear Tony "we're gonna have to destroy this flying city" that made me look in his direction in anger "but there are people still stuck here. We can't just let them die!" I say in anger. There was no response which just added fule to the fire in me. I slam down the robots harder, creating craters on the ground. "Someone must have heard your anger Hinata" I hear Steve and smile as I see a huge flying thing come towards us. It was Fury... I guide all the people towards the edge as small flying machines lined up with the edge.

I met Steve and give him a smile. He scans my body and nods making me chuckle. I walk towards him and say "cover me for a minute. I'll check the whole city" he nods and I focus on the city ahead of me. "Fourth block from the east, there is a family in the second building fourth floor." I say and immediately get a positive response from Thor. Shiled was now taking care of the civilians and we made our way towards the core. Seeing everyone circle the machine in the centre, me and Steve take the empty spots and I whisper in his ear "you're taking me out on a date after this is over". A blush covers my cheek when he says "of course princess. I like the confidence". I don't say anything and look ahead at the army of robots line in front of us. I get into my stance and together everyone beat down every single robot and protected the core with our life.

A wide smile forms on my lips when hulk landed the last blow on Ultron making him fly away. Wanda stood there to gaurd the core and we all made our way towards the flying thing. 'Are they all called jets or do bigger ones have different name?' I wonder and decide to ask Tony later. Getting in, I take a look around and start to heal the ones on the brink of death. My face heats up seeing everyone thank me with overwhelming happiness in their eyes. Soon the other Avengers get in, except for the ones who were able to fly. I envy those guys.

I look out towards the flying city which was now bursting into smaller pieces. My attention was diverted towards Nick who smiled and pointed towards another bunch of injured people "if you don't mind.". "Of course" I say realising all the smaller platforms had connected to the bigger one. I wasn't a professional medical ninja but from my first day here, I had been practicing to control my chakra better which did enhance my medical skills. Now I wished I had learner a thing or two from Tsunade Sama.

All the Avengers were now on the jet, as I had decided to call it. Steve looks at me with love filled eyes and says walking towards me "you never cease to surprise me". I smile and the kid I had just finished healing thanks me with a wide smile and checks his wound which was now just a scar and runs into his mother's arms who hugs him tightly. I feel arms wrap around my waist and hear Steve whisper in my ear "it might be too soon to say this but I would love to see our child in your arms like that". My face goes red and I was at loss of words. "I...uh..." I was stuttering to find a reply when Thor walks towards us "I'm sorry to disturb you love birds but we've been called". I grin in relief and feel Steve's arms leave me. I quickly walk out but not before saying thank you to Thor who just looked at me confused.

We all sat around the table and it was now that I realised that Bruce was missing. Before I could ask, Furry starts talking "everyone has done a great job. As unbelievable as it may sound but..... There was no casualty". Wanda gives me a wide smile then looks at the still unconscious Pietro. I had healed him enough to keep him alive and not go unconscious myself. If Clint had been even a minute late, he wouldn't have survived. Furry continues "all thanks to you all, especially our healer" I smile. "Hinata Hyuga, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff and Vision, I would like to recruit you four to the Avengers" he hands us three a set of papers then looks at the unconscious boy, giving his papers to Wanda. I read it and nudge Steve for a few things I didn't understand. After having read it all, we three share a look and sign it. "Welcome to the Avengers" Natasha grins.


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