💜Episode 3💜

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Time skip at evening
Author POV
*everyone gathered in the living room and were discussing about the marriage *

Mr Malhotra:so let's first discuss about the marriage type so what type of marriage do you prefer Indian or Korean ?

Veer : Actually me and Iseul decided to have Indian marriage.

Mr Malhotra: okay so do you have any problem in this Mr Kim.

Mr Kim : No why would we have problem in this and we never had seen an Indian wedding so it will be a good opportunity.

Jisoo : yeah I also wanted to see how Indian wedding would be like. *excited *

Mrs Malhotra : so what about we do engagement after three days then wedding next month.

Mr Kim : yeah it's good cause we also have some works in Korea so we have to complete those too.

Chaeyoung:But what about the wedding destination?

Deepika : what about Goa ?

Y/N: yeah Goa mom dad that would be nice , wedding in Goa please. *pout*

Mr Malhotra : Hmm Goa? It would be nice so the wedding destination will be Goa.

Deepika /Y/N:YESSS

Veer : Yaah why you both are that much excited wedding is mine or yours.

*Everyone laugh at his words*

Tae : we are staying for some months in India then what about we go to a family trip?

Mr Malhotra:Yeah it's actually nice after the
wedding we all can go for a family trip.

Deepika : Yaah I will tell where to go.

Y/N : No I will tell where we can go.

Veer : YAAH wedding is mine I will tell where to go.

*both the girls sad pouted *

Veer :Hmm what about Manali ?

Y/N: Yaah we will go for the family trip not for your honeymoon.

*everyone started laughing and veer and iseul started to blush *

Y/N : what about Agra?

Jungkook : yes Agra I heard Taj Mahal is located there so why won't we go to Agra?

Jihyun : yes it would be fun so we can go there.

Mr Malhotra : Hmm so final destination for wedding is Goa and family trip to Agra so do anyone have a problem?


Mr Malhotra : So tomorrow everyone can go for the shopping why don't you kids go tomorrow cause we have some work so we will go later.

Y/N : Hmm ok for engagement shopping we will go but for wedding shopping everyone will go together ok.

Everyone: YEAH OKAY.

*so after discussing about the marriage everyone went for doing dinner and went to their respective rooms. *

Ahh I am feeling so hungry I wanna eat something let's go to the kitchen and see what's there. I came to the kitchen and opened my fridge and saw an ice cream there I took and started eating but suddenly I felt someone was behind me I thought it was some thief and took the pan and was about to hit him but he spoke something which made me stop.

??? :Yaah y/n it's me what are you doing *shocked*

Y/n : taehyung ??

Tae : yeah taehyung, why you were hitting me?

FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now