💜Episode 45💜

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*After breakfast YN was going in her room but someone pulled her and pinned her to the wall*

YN: Yaah what are you doing??

Tae: What am I doing?? *he said innocently*

YN: Let me go what if anybody see.

Tae: Let them see I don't care.

YN: Yaah first of all only I got embarrassed there. And if anybody saw us than I am gonna kill you!!

Tae: No need for that and go and get ready we are going out.

YN: Only we both.

Tae: Yes only we both.

YN: Okay then I will come in few minutes.

*saying that she ran away from there*

*After few minutes YN got ready and came down*

YN: So where we are going??

Tae: Don't you wanna see Korea??

YN: Yes i want to.

Tae: Than let's go.

Mrs Kim: Where are you both going?? *she asked teasingly*

Tae: Just to hangout. Today is my birthday so I want to spend time with her.

Mrs Malhotra: Okay no problem but come home in time.

YN: Okay Mom.

*Saying that they both went out. They both went towards the car. Tae opened the door for her and went to the driver seat*

Tae: So where you wanna go first?

YN: Anywhere.

Tae: ok then.

*First they went to bukchon hanok village*

Yn: This place is really pretty I didn't saw a village like this

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Yn: This place is really pretty I didn't saw a village like this.

Tae: I am glad you like this place.

YN: Why not!! Just look at this houses. Hey as you brought me here at this traditional type place. Why don't we try hanbok?

Tae: Do you want to?

YN: Yeah!!! I really wanna try it.

Tae: Okay then.

*They went to try hanboks.*

*After few minutes taehyung was waiting for her looking like a king in his outfit*

*After few minutes taehyung was waiting for her looking like a king in his outfit*

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FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now