💜Episode 15💜

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*Everyone were chilling and today was the day when all there friends were coming*

Deepika: Bhaiii!!! Do you know Karan is also coming today.

Veer: WHAT!! Why didn't you said me?

Kriti: cause you were busy with your soon-to-be wife.

Veer: Yaah now stop it!!

YN: Aish we will meet him after these many years.I really missed him.

Kriti: Even me too

Deepika: Mee too

Jihyun: About whom you are talking?

YN: oh Karan? He is our childhood friend and you can also say best friend. He is coming back after so many years cause he shifted in another country cause of business.

Deepika: And I am very excited to see him.

Kriti: Aish i am thinking does he became handsome now.

Deepika: Hmm maybe *smirk*

YN: you pervert girls.

*Jimin was burning in jealousy obviously his girlfriend was talking about someone else and don't know why Tae and jk were also burning in jealousy*

Jimin: Don't you think you all are thinking more about him?

Jk:And yeah what is good about him?

Tae: I also wanna see who is this Karan!

Iseul: Someone is perhaps burning in jealousy.

*All three boys glared at her*

Iseul: Don't glare at me like that I will pull your eyes out.

*All the three boys sighed*

*All of them have there lunch and were ready to go to the airport*


*All were waiting at the airport for their friends and there reached tae's friends*

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*All were waiting at the airport for their friends and there reached tae's friends*

???: Hey you alll !!

Jk: Jin hyung!!!!

Jin: Hey bunny how are you?

Jk: Fine hyung, I missed you.

Jin: Yeah yeah ok I missed you too.

???: Only Jin hyung right?

???: We are nothing to him?

FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now