💜Episode 37💜

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???: Hey YN.

*Your smile dropped soon as you saw the person*

YN: Riya.*mumbled*

Riya: Well not so nice to meet you YN.

*Kriti was searching for YN but when she saw YN with Riya she came and pulled her with her*

Kriti: Yn. You are here let's go.

Riya: Well I didn't knew you are also here Kriti

Kriti: Well I am her best friend more like sister so obviously I will be here. Please excuse us. Let's go YN.

*She took YN and went from there*

YN: What is she doing here?

Kriti: I don't know maybe dad invited her.

YN: I Hope she don't cause any trouble to us.

Kriti: Yeah let's go engagement is going to start.

YN: Hmm.

*They went from there and soon the engagement started. First Deepika slide the ring in jimin's ring finder and kissed it. Than Jimin slide the ring in Deepika's finger and kissed it*

Jimin: Finally we are engaged. 

Deepika: Yeah.

*After the engagement they all went to dance*

Tae: Ahem Ahem pretty lady you seem Alone will you dance with me.

YN: *smiled* ofcourse. Why not.

Tae: So let's go.

??? POV.
???: You have to kidnap her okay.

Man: Yes boss.

???: If you did anything stupid than see what I will do.

Man: yes boss I understood.


*Everyone were having a dance. Kriti and jk were also dancing but suddenly her phone rings*

Kriti: Umm it's an important call I will have it and come.

Jk: Okay come fast.

*Kriti went other side so she can attend the call but as she was talking a waiter came and spilled juice on her*

Kriti: What the-

Waiter: I am sorry maam. It happened by mistake.

???: What happened Maam is everything okay. *someone said from the phone*

Kriti: Yeah I'll talk to you later.
*she hung the call*

Kriti: can't you see and walk.

Waiter: I am sorry maam.

Kriti: I think I have to wash it.
*saying that she went to YN's room as it was near*

Man: Where is she?
*He was searching for that person who he was told to kidnap but couldn't find cause of crowd*

Man: Maybe in her room.

*saying that he went near YN's room and saw Kriti coming outside after cleaning her dress so he took his chance and made her smell the chloroform. Kriti was trying to get out from his grip but soon she black out*

FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now