💜Episode 9💜

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*so it was the day when Kim family was going back to Korea and Malhotra family were going to drop them to the Airport*

Jisoo: I will miss you three a lot.
YN/Deepika/Kriti: WE TOO
Rosé: ahh again we will get busy in our works.
Jihyun: yes you are right Noona.
YN: it's only for a month then you will come back right.
Deepika: then we will enjoy a lot in Goa and Agra.
Kriti: And yeah how can we forget our main work teasing bhai and bhabhi 24/7.
*they all started laughing*
Iseul: Yaah why you all are laughing I also want to know. *excited*
Jihyun: just saying that how ugly your face looks like Noona.*laughing*
Iseul: Yaaah youuu *she started chasing him*
Jihyun: Oh god someone save me from this witch.
*he came back of jisoo and hided*
Jisoo:unnie leave him don't beat him here but you can smash him fully in Korea. *smirk*
Iseul: yeah you are right jisoo. *smirk*
*jihyun glared at Iseul*
Iseul: what ? I just don't want my image to get bad here by beating you I will see you later in Korea.
Jk: hey everyone.
All: hi jungkook.
Jk: ahh I don't want to leave India it is really fun here.
Iseul: yeah even me too
Jimin: me three
Tae: me four.
*they both entered from nowhere*
Mrs kim: so all of you are ready we have to leave.
Mr Kim: okay let's go.
*all went from there Deepika was also about to go but Jimin pulled her*
Jimin: You Will not miss me right?
Deepika: it's not like that I will miss you.
Jimin : even me too how I will spend 1 month without youuu. *he whined*
Deepika: it's only about 1 month then you will come back right.
Jimin: hmm *sad pout*
Deepika:don't be sad when you will come back we will spend time together and we will be talking on phone.
Jimin : hmm I will miss you.
Deepika : I will miss you too.
Mrs Kim: JIMIN COME FAST*shouting from outside*
Deepika: let's go, you go first than I will come.
Jimin: hmm ok


*all were bidding good bye to each other* Mrs Malhotra: aish now with whom I will talk in this whole 1 month

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*all were bidding good bye to each other*
Mrs Malhotra: aish now with whom I will talk in this whole 1 month.
Mrs Kim:*chuckled*it's just about 1 month it will pass soon.
Mr Malhotra: and we are going to be busy in our works.
Mr Kim: yeah you are right.

Tae: hey chipkali.
YN: oh hey gadhe. What's up.
Tae : I am going back won't you miss me?
YN:why will I miss a gadha like you.
Tae: Aish you will never change right.
YN: until you start talking properly I won't change.
*there was some silence between them*
YN:*mind* I don't know why but I don't want you to go I don't know why I am getting this strange feeling.
Tae:*mind* I don't know why but I don't want to leave her and go back I want to stay by her side.
Tae: okay so I will go now.
YN: Hmm bye.
Tae: bye.
Y/N/Tae: *mind* I WILL MISS YOU.

Jimin: so it's time to say goodbye.
Deepika: Yaah don't say like that you will come back right.
Jimin:*chuckled* Yes my cute girlfriend I will.
Deepika: * pecked his lips* come back soon.
Jimin: I Will.
*they both hugged each other*
Deepika: I will miss you 😢
Jimin : me too *kissed her forehead*
Deepika : Hmm let's go you will get late.
Jimin: I don't want to go I want to be with you.
Deepika: me too but now let's go.
Jimin:hmm*sad pout*

Kriti: hey Bandar.
Jk: oh hey bandariya
Kriti: you are going back, honestly speaking I will
miss you.
Jk: wow really bandariya said she will miss me ahh did sun rise from west.
Kriti: Ahh whatever stop calling me bandariya.
Jk: stop calling me Bandar.
Kriti: ahh youu
Jk: well even I will also miss you.
Kriti: oh wow mr Bandar will also miss me.
Jk: Yaah stop calling me Bandar you Bandariya. *glared*
Kriti: stop calling me bandariya you Bandar.
*they both glared at each other*

Y/N,Deepika and Kriti bided good bye to all and it was there time to go.
Mr Kim: our flight is announced we have to go now.
Veer : bye isuel I will miss you.
Iseul : I will miss you too.
Veer: after this one month you will be mine.
Iseul: *blushed* yeah, I hope this one month pass soon.
Veer: yeah but I don't want you to go.
Iseul: me neither. *sad pout*
Mrs Kim: Iseul let's go.
Iseul: bye veer. *sad*
Veer: bye Iseul. *sad*
Kim family: BYE EVERYONE.

*After biding good byes to Kim family, Malhotra family came back home*
YN : Ahh it's so silence otherwise it use to be with full of our noises.
Deepika: yeah you are right we will miss them.
Kriti: yeah you are right.
Mrs Malhotra: you guys are speaking like they will never come back.
YN: Again those days are returned get full busy in works.
Veer/Kriti/Deepika: yes you are right.
Veer: Again those office works and all.
Deepika: we have to complete all the works so we can enjoy the whole wedding month.
Veer/YN/Kriti: yeah you are right.

*Three weeks has passed everyone got busy in their works veer and Iseul, Jimin and Deepika use to talk on the phone but YN and Tae use to think about each other. Taehyung was getting strange feelings even he started hallucinating YN.*

*All were busy in their works taehyung and Jimin were doing some office works in their rooms. Mrs Kim and Mrs park has some doubt on Jimin cause he use to talk on the phone with someone late night.
And even taehyung use to behave weird. Jisoo,jihyun,Rosé,Iseul were also busy with their works.*

*i was doing some office work and went to bring some files from my desk and was coming back to my bed but I got shocked seeing someone and it was YN.
Tae: Y-YN what are you doing here?
YN: why taehyung weren't you missing me?
*she started coming closer*
Tae: y-Yaah don't come close s-stay away.
Jk: whom you are telling to stay away hyung?
Tae: huh jungkook you.
Jk: yes me hyung whom were you expecting to be?
Tae: so I was *yes he was hallucinating*
Jk: hyung!! Where are you lost?
Tae: huh nowhere hehe.
Jk: weird.
Tae: why did you came here?
Jk: I came here to give you this file.
Tae: okay keep it there on my desk I will see afterwards you can go.
Jk:hmm*he left*
Tae: ahh what is happening to me?why am I hallucinating her?what is this strange feeling?
*he was totally confused*

*Taehyung went in the garden for some fresh air and saw Mrs Kim,Mrs park and Mrs Jeon there.*
Mrs Kim: oh Tae you are here is your work done?
Tae: yes mom almost done.
Mrs Kim: okay but don't stress yourself.
Tae: hmm
Mrs park: taehyung can I ask you a question?
Tae: yes aunt you can.
Mrs park: you are close to Jimin right.
Tae: yes aunt but why are you asking me this?
Mrs park: Actually Tae I want to know with whom Jimin is talking till late night, do you know with whom he maybe talking.?
Tae: he maybe talking with Deepika.*he mumbled*
Mrs park: huh taehyung what did you said?
Tae: huh aunty actually I was saying that I don't know with whom he is talking he didn't told me anything.
Mrs park: Hmm ok.
Mrs Kim: And taehyung i am noticing some days you are behaving weird.
Mrs Jeon: yeah even jungkook too what is going on between you three?
Tae: there is nothing going between us three you all are just overthinking.
All three moms: okay then.
??: Mom.
Mrs Kim: oh Iseul.
Iseul: Mommy I am back*hugged her*
Tae :Aish this girl everytime clinging.
Iseul: what did you said huh? *glared at him*
Tae: what did you heard now I said that only.*scoffed*
Iseul: mom see him how he is talking. *fake crying*
Mrs Kim: Yaah taehyung don't you dare to say anything to my daughter.
Tae:Aishhh I don't know how veer hyung will handle her.
Iseul: from when onwards you started thinking about him? 🤨
Tae: from the day you started dating him from then onwards.
Iseul: Mommmyyy*she whined*
Mrs kim: taehyung!!*she glared* don't talk to your sister like this she is elder than you.
Tae: yeah elder but behaving like a kid.
Iseul: whatever! even you also behave like a 3 years kid. *scoffed*
Mrs kim: now you both stop it and go to your rooms Iseul you must be tired go child.
Iseul : okay mom bye.
Tae:okay mom bye* immitated her*
Mrs kim: *glared at him*
Tae: *gulped* okay mom I am going bye.*he left*
*soon all the three moms started laughing*
Mrs park:Aish his face was so funny.
Mrs Jeon: yeah you are right.

*𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞*


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