💜Episode 12💜

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*I came too Deepika's room to talk to her and there she is sitting on the bed with angry pout I went and layed on the bed*

Jimin: what happened baby?*asked laying on the bed*

Deepika: Didn't you see that we had a fight and now you are asking me what happened. *angry*

Jimin: Aah baby calm down I came to meet you here and you are throwing all your anger on me.

Deepika: Cause you are also irritating me.

Jimin: I came today cause I was missing you and you didn't even hugged me. *sad pout*

Deepika: Aish sorry baby i missed you and I didn't thought you all will come today.

Jimin: we thought of giving you all a surprise.

Deepika: oh well I missed you. *hugged him*

Jimin: I missed you too.but why you three were fighting?

Deepika: They were teasing me and irritating me from morning onwards I got angry and I shouted and like that our fight started.

Jimin: Is that so? Deepika you know my all brothers and sisters tease me 24hours but I don't shouted at them.

Deepika: Cause you are calm Jimin and I am not.

Jimin: Aish don't be like that go and apologise to them and I know you can't live without them so go and sort this matter.

Deepika: Hmm if you are saying so then ok.

Jimin: That's like my girl.*hugged her and kissed her*

Deepika: *giggled* I love you Jimin.

Jimin: I love you too jagiya.


*I was searching for Kriti she came towards the garden. I came to the garden and saw her she was admiring the flowers and she was in deep thoughts. She was looking pretty I was admiring her but she noticed me*

Kriti: What are you doing here?

*I came back to reality*

Jk: Just looking how beautiful the flowers are. *looking at her*

Kriti: *chuckled* I didn't thought a Bandar will like flowers.

Jk: *smiled* You again started right.

Kriti: Well yes Mr Bandar.

Jk: So how was our surprise.

Kriti: Well instead i think you all only got a surprise.

Jk: Well yes first time I saw you three fighting.

Kriti: Hmm we even had a fight after a long time*chuckled* but I am feeling bad cause the fight started because of me.

Jk: If you are feeling bad then why don't you apologise to them.

*she looked at him and started thinking*

Jk: I know that you three can't live a day without talking, teasing and doing crazy things.

Kriti: *smiled* hmm you are right I will apologise to them.

FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now