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Tae: YN!! YN!!

*He was calling her name. Suddenly someone came*

Yn: What happened?? Why you are shouting??

Tae: Where are my files??

Yn: Files??

Tae: Come on YN. I know that I kept those files here now tell me where you kept!!

Yn: Tae!! I seriously don't know what files you are talking about!!

Tae: Yn stop kidding me!! I need those files I have an important meeting now!!

Yn: Than what should I do then!!

Tae: I clearly know that day I kept those files here!

Yn: But i didn't see any files here!

Tae: Yn you only cleaned my study room right!!

Yn: Yeah! So?

Tae: Yn!! How many times I told you not to touch my things!! See now I am unable to find my files. I have a meeting now!!!

*He started scolding her*

Tae: How can you be this careless huh!! I told you not to touch my important things!!

Yn: You know what!! Just go to hell with your meeting and files and you may have kept your files somewhere and scolding me now!

Tae: Oh Wow first messing my things and scolding me back!!

Yn: Taehyung I am already stressed with my work don't give me more stress.

Tae: I can also say the Same! You are also giving me stress.

Yn: You know what! Just get lost! I don't wanna talk to you!!

*saying that she went from there*

Tae: Yeah yeah. Who is even dying to talk to you!

*Saying that he also left for his office*

Vivaan: What is happening?

Kavya: Looks like they again had a fight.

*Yes they are having few fights from some days*

Vivaan: Aish. I am sick of them now!!*He said while massaging his temples*

Kavya: You are acting like their mom and dad.

Vivaan: So what can we do!!


Kavya: Aish let's plan something at school!

Vivaan: Yeah!!

YN: Are you both ready. Let's go I will drop you to school!!

Kavya+Vivaan: Okay!!

*Taehyung was in his cabin but his mind was somewhere. He was thinking about you. And was feeling guilty for shouting at you in the morning. But he came to reality when he heard some knock*

Tae: Come in!!

*The door opened and he saw his secretary Mia entering inside*

FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now