💜Episode 38💜

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*Kriti was fine now as Iseul is a doctor so she checked her and she got unconscious cause of stress and shock. She will be fine. Right now jungkook is in kriti's room cause he don't want to leave her. All the elders also got to know about what happened*

Jk: I am sorry love I wasn't able to protect you.

Kriti: Jungkook. *weak voice*

Jk: Kriti you are awake. *He made her sit.* Are you okay??

*As Kriti saw jungkook she started crying. Jungkook hugged her*

Jk: Shh Kriti everything is okay. Don't cry.

Kriti: H-He tried t-to touch me. *crying*

*jungkook's heart was clenching seeing her crying. Cause the girl who use to laugh and tease him. Is crying now making him feel pain suddenly he attached his lips to hers. He started kissing her softly she also kissed him back. They pulled out after they were out of breath. He attached his forehead to hers and said*

Jk: Don't think about those all Hmm. He will get the punishment for what he did. Just now focus on me don't focus on any other man.

Kriti: I love you jungkook. *hugged him*

Jk: I love you too Kritu.

*Like that's he said some comforting words to her and made her sleep*

*Taehyung and YN were outside watching stars. YN was sitting on his lap. There were silence but Tae broke it*

Tae: The stars are beautiful right.

YN: Hmm.

Tae: What are you thinking YN?

YN: I am thinking about Kriti. Is she okay or not.

Tae: She is with jungkook. No need to worry. She will be okay.

YN: Hmm.

Tae: Stop overthinking and taking stress.

YN: Yeah. Let's go it's time to sleep.

Tae: hmm.

*They both went from there*

*Today is the mehendi function. All wanted to postpone it cause of kriti's condition but Kriti said no need to postpone she will feel better cause of enjoyments. So everyone agreed with her. Here deepika was sitting and applying her Mehendi*

Kriti: Hey!!

Deepika: Hey Kriti! How are you? Are you okay now.

Kriti: Hmm I am okay. I am feeling much better now. Show me your mehendi.

Deepika: Here.

Kriti: WoW it's looking great.

Deepika: Hehe thanks!!

Jimin: Deepika!!

Kriti: Ahem I think I should go. *teasing*

Deepika: Hmm.

*Kriti went from there*

Deepika: Hey jimin!!

Jimin: Show me your mehendi.

*deepika showed him*

FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now