💜Episode 7💜

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*All were too much excited for the engagement*
*All came down for having breakfast*

Y/N : Good morning, everyone.
All : Good morning.
Y/N : Congratulations bhai and bhabhi today you both are going to get engaged !!!
Veer : hehe Thank you. *blushing*
Deepika:everyone see our bhai is blushing. *teasing*
Everyone: oye hoyyyeee.
Veer: yaaah everyone , stop teasing me everytime this teasing starts from YN or this Deepika.
Deepika : oh hello. Mr what did you said?
Veer: Oh hi, you just heard what I said.
*everyone started laughing*
Deepika : huh whatever, and yeah you only give us the chance to tease you right YN.
YN : yes di you are right.
Veer : now you both are teasing me but get ready when you two will get married then I will tease you.
Deepika : our wedding is still far we can see at that time.
YN:yeah but bhai before our wedding make us bua okay.
*veer and Iseul became blushing mess*
Veer : Yaah you both wait. *he started chasing both of them.*
Deepika : But what did I do ?
YN: dii run otherwise he will kill us.
*they three were playing Tom and jerry and all were laughing but suddenly someone came*
*all of them saw where from voice came and become shock+happy*
Veer/Deepika: Kriti!!
Kriti : hii
Mrs Malhotra: Kriti how are you beta?
Kriti : fine aunty and how are you all?
Mr Malhotra: we are fine but when did you came?
Kriti : oh so YN didn't told you all that I came back.
YN: hehe sorry I was soo busy that I forgot to tell everyone.
Kriti : it's okay and congratulations bhai.
Veer : thank you Kriti.
Kriti : where is bhabhi?
Veer : she is here. Meet my soon to be wife Iseul and Iseul she is Kriti our friend.
Iseul: hi Kriti nice to meet you.
Kriti : nice to meet you too bhabhi.
Kriti : waise bhai Badi mast ladki patai hai haa.*teasing tone *
*Iseul heard her and started laughing *
Veer : Yaah kriti.
Kriti: but bhabhi why did you laugh you understood what I said?
Iseul: ofcourse I learned Hindi in these 1 year and not only me my family also know Hindi they also learned.
Deepika+YN +kriti: WOW really. *shocked*
YN : but when I said taehyung gadha he didn't understand at all. *confused*
Tae : I don't know some animal names in Hindi that's why I didn't understand but I also know little bit of Hindi.
YN : oh okay.
Mrs Kim : okay okay kids we have to leave for the venue at 7:00 at this time you all can go and rest.
Everyone: okay.

I was watching the three siblings fight but suddenly a voice came from nowhere it was a girl's voice we all turned to see who it is and Malhotra family got shocked+happy it was a girl she was very beautiful I don't know why but she was attracting me and her name was Kriti.

*they all were going to there rooms but YN got and idea*
YN : hey in this meantime why don't we play something and we have a lot of time for engagement.
Jimin : yes you are right.
YN : okay then let's go to my room.
*All went to YN's room*
YN :okay then what we should play ?
Tae: what about truth and dare?
Jimin : yeah let's play.
Veer : noo.
Deepika : but why.
Veer : just like that.
YN : I know why you don't want to play just shut up and play.
Veer: aah okay.
*they all spinned the bottle and it landed on Jimin*
Veer : Jimin truth or dare.
Jimin : truth.
Tae : okay I will ask him. So Jimin do you have any crush?
Jimin : *he took a glance of deepika and said*yes I have.
Tae : woah you never said you have a crush.
Iseul: yeah.
Veer : okay okay let's continue the game.
*they all again spinned the bottle and it landed on YN*
Jimin : so YN truth or dare.
YN : I will choose dare.
*everyone except taehyung smirked*
YN : Yaah what's with that smirk huh ?
Rosé: YN you have to do a couple dance with Tae oppa.
Jisoo: yes you have to.
Tae/YN : WHATTT!!!
Tae : It's her dare why are you pushing me in her dare?
Jihyun : so what! just do what we said hyung.
Deepika : you can't backup now.
Veer : comon do it you both.
Kriti : yeah YN!!! Taehyung !!!
Everyone: YN!!! Taehyung!! YN !! Taehyung!!
*everyone started cheering*
Tae : Aishhh!! Okay let's go.
YN : *she looked at him with shocked eyes*
Tae: what? It's just a dare we will complete it soon
*both of them get up and everyone started to cheer*
Everyone: WOOAAHHH

*both taehyung and YN started doing couple dance taehyung one hand was on her waist and one hand on hers and her one hand was on his chest they both were getting some unknown feelings which they never felt before they both were looking like real couples.After the dance they both came and sat back and everyone started teasing them*

Kriti : you know what you both were looking like real couple. Aahh sooo cuteee!!! *teasing*
YN : *she glared at her*
*everyone started laughing*
Jimin: okay okay leave it let's continue the game.
*like that they played for sometime and went to get ready for the engagement. All of them went down*

Mrs Malhotra: YN,Deepika did you both call the parlour girl for Iseul to get ready.
Deepika : yes mom they will come in few minutes.
Mrs Malhotra: okay you all go and get ready okay.
Mr Malhotra: and first we parents will leave to the venue with veer than others can come with Iseul okay.
Everyone: yes.
Mr Kim : okay now everyone go and get ready.
YN : mom the parlour girls came come bhabhi let's go.
Iseul : okay.
*they all went to their rooms to get ready Iseul was busy with her makeup*

*The people who were going with Veer got ready and were ready to leave*
Mr Malhotra: okay YN we are going you all get ready and come fast okay.
YN: okay.
*so with Veer Mr Malhotra ,Mrs Malhotra,Mrs Kim,Mr Kim,jihyun,jisoo and rosé are going.And with Iseul YN,deepika,kriti, jungkook, Jimin and taehyung are going.*
Mrs Malhotra: okay we are going bye.
Mrs Kim : and yeah check everything and come okay.
YN : yes aunty bye.
Mrs Kim : bye.
*all of them left*
YN : dii is bhabhi's makeup done.
Deepika : No she is getting ready.
Kriti : so in this house now we three and those three Bandars are there.
Jk : whom did you called bandar?
*those three entered from nowhere*
Kriti: ofcourse to you three. *scoffed*
Jk: than you three are bandariyas.
Deepika: Yaah why are you pulling us inside huh what we did huh?
YN : aaahh now stop it or else we will get late go and get ready everyone. LEAVE NOW.
*jk and Kriti glared at each other and went. Deepika and Jimin also went. Tae and YN were left*
Tae : I have to say that your friend is same like you.
YN : YOUUU !!!
*he ran from there*
YN : ughhh this man!!


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