💜Episode 29💜

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*They all started fighting. Veer was punching Mihir.
Tae, Jk and Jimin are fighting with his man but YN notice that one man was pointing gun at taehyung but before it could hit taehyung*

Tae: YNNN!!!

*The bullet got shot to YN*

Veer+jk+Jimin: YNN!!!

(A/N: Alexa play dhum Ta na na na derna derna

Tae: Yaah author here YN is shot and you seem comedy here I will kill you

A/N: *gulp* hehe sorry.)

*The police arrived*

Police: HANDS UP!!! MR MIHIR. You are under arrest.

Veer: Take him from here officer.

*The police arrested all the mens and Mihir*

Tae: Yn open your eyes. You can't do this YN!!!*verge of crying*

Jk: We should take her to the hospital.

Jimin: Yeah.

*Tae lifted YN in his arms and they went out from that place. Soon they reached hospital. Veer informed everyone to come to the hospital*

*Soon everyone reached to the hospital*

Mrs Malhotra: Where is my daughter what happened to her.

Jimin: She is inside. She got shot.

*Mrs Malhotra broke down in tears*

Mr Malhotra: Calm down don't cry she will be okay.

Iseul: Can anybody explain what happened? Who was that man who kidnapped YN and why these all things happened to her.

Jisoo: Yeah.

Veer: Kriti will tell you about him.

Rosé: Do you know who is he?

Kriti:*nodded* He is YN's ex boyfriend.

*Everyone got shocked except YN's family and Mr and Mrs Oberoi.*

Tae: Now I understood why YN didn't told me about her ex boyfriend that day.

Jihyun: I can't believe he is YN's ex boyfriend but why does he want YN back.

Kriti: First Will you all listen to me.

Everyone: *nodded*

Kriti: Okay. So this is about 6yrs back when me and YN were 18 yrs old. We both use to study at same college and Mihir also use to study in that college. He was our senior only 1yr age gap. YN had a crush on him cause as you see now he doesn't use to be like that in college. He was very decent, sweet and kind hearted in our college but back of that a devil was hidden. He use to be like an angel in college but after college he use to become devil. He use to kill people for fun. He was a member in a gang or you can say a gangster.

*Everyone gasped hearing this*

Kriti: But Yn didn't knew about all this. One day Mihir proposed YN and she accepted it as she was already having a crush on him. Some days it was okay but after some days he started seeming fishy. I use to doubt on him. The boys which use to talk to YN for something they weren't found the next day and these all thoughts were eating me. I even said to YN about this but she just said I am overthinking. But one day I saw him killing a person when I was going home from an alley as it was a shortcut and YN was also not with me then afterwards I believed these all are happening because of Mihir I even told everything to YN but she didn't believe me. She said I am speaking nonsense about her boyfriend and blabbering about him. When our parents knew that YN and Mihir are dating they were happy cause Mihir's parents were YN's parents business partners plus they even have good friendship but who tell them that he was a gangster. Know one believed me but one day I thought to show them the proof I went to the same alley as I got to know it was his regular place and I even called YN to come there and somehow she agreed to come as I was collecting some proofs I got caught by them and he caught me and he was trying to kill me—

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