💜Episode 8💜

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*Isuel makeup was done and she was getting ready and our girls were getting ready the boys already got ready and waiting for girls*
Jimin:Aish how much time will they take?
Tae:patience bro patience. *smirk*
Jimin : huh what do you mean?*confused*
JK: we know for whom you are waiting?*smirk*
Jimin : Yaah it's nothing like that I am not waiting for Deepika.
Tae: But when did we said you are waiting for Deepika. *smirk*
*Tae and jk gave Jimin teasing look*
Jimin : Yaah keep that look away.
*Tae and jk chuckled*

Kriti: YN did you got rea-*got shocked*
YN : what happen am I not looking good.
Kriti : No girl you are looking very beautiful taehyung to tereko dekhke lattu ho Jayega. *teasing*
YN : Yaah don't think further we both are like enemies.
Kriti: yeah yeah
YN : but you are also looking pretty huh.
Kriti : hehe thank you.
YN : did Deepika dii got ready?
Deepika: I am ready.
*both the girls look towards Deepika*
YN : wow dii you are looking beautiful umm Kriti I think so Jimin will Pakka die seeing my dii.
Kriti: Yeah you are right.
Deepika:Yaah you both. *blushing*
Kriti/YN: Oye hoye someone is blushing.*teasing*
YN : okay okay stop this let's go and see bhabhi is ready or not.
Kriti/Deepika: Yeah let's go.
*both of them went to Iseul room*

Tae : Yaah hyung say truely your crush is Deepika right?
Jimin : what do you mean?
Jk : Aishh hyung don't act we know you have a crush on Deepika.
Jimin : yes i have so what will you do huh?
Tae: just go and propose her hyung.
Jimin: what if she said no?
Jk : she won't just propose her today cause tomorrow we have to go back to Korea.
Tae : yeah he is right.
Jimin : okay so today after the engagement I will propose her.
Tae/Jk m: YESSSS Finally we will get a bhabhi.

YN: Bhabhiii
Iseul : oh you all came you all are looking beautiful.
Kriti: you are looking beautiful too bhabhi but bhabhi don't kill our bhai today he is not married yet*teasing*
*everyone started laughing*
Iseul : okay I think we should go.
Deepika: yeah we have to it's already late.
YN : okay let's go.
*all the girls went down*
Jk : woah hyung see that side.
*all the boys jaw drop seeing that side*

I was watching phone until the girls come but suddenly jungkook told us to see that side and my jaw dropped seeing YN she was looking soo beautiful I don't know why but I got lost in her.

I was desperately waiting for Deepika that I didn't saw my surroundings but suddenly jungkook told us too see that side my jaw dropped seeing her the love of my life she was looking very beautiful I just really wanted to be lost in her.

I was getting bored so I was roaming in the living room but suddenly my jaw dropped seeing her she was looking very beautiful I don't know why but I was really feeling something new which I never felt.

*all three boys were soo much lost in the girls that they didn't heard someone was calling them.*
All the three boys: huh what Noona?
*deepika,kriti and YN started laughing and those three boys glared at them*
Iseul: where were you lost huh?
Jk: nowhere Noona hehe.
Iseul: Hmm 🤨 let's go we are getting late.
Tae : yeah let's go.
*all of them sat in the car taehyung was sitting in the front and YN was driving the car back Jimin,Deepika and Iseul were sitting and that back Kriti and jungkook.*
*soon all of them reach the venue. YN called her mom*
YN :hello mom we have reached should we come inside.
Mrs Malhotra: yeah you all can come but you and Deepika should be at the side of Iseul and with you taehyung and Jimin can be if they want.
YN : Okay mom bye we are coming*
YN : okay we can go inside and dii we have to be at the side of bhabhi and taehyung and Jimin if you both want you can also be with us.
Jimin: okay i Will be with Deepika.
Tae: okay then I will be with YN.
Jk/Kriti: and what about us.
YN: if you want you can come with us or you can go inside.
Deepika: okay so let's go.

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