💜Episode 44💜

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*Everyone were done with their decorations and all were ready. It's time for taehyung to come home and it's going to be twelve soon. Soon he came and the lights were turned off*

Tae: Are all sleeping why the lights are off.

*Soon the lights turned on and*


*Taehyung was shocked for a moment than he realised that today is his birthday*

Tae: *Smiled* Thanks everyone I forgot that today is my birthday. And you all didn't need to do these all things.

Jimin: Why not today is our Bro's birthday. How can we let it go?

*Taehyung chuckled at them*

Jisoo: Okay okay leave it come here let's cut the cake.

Jihyun+Rosé+jk: No no no no wait we have a surprise for you.

Tae: What surprise. What surprise now only I got a surprise!!!

Jk: This is another surprise and it's really special.

Jihyun: Let's everyone. Let him see his surprise.

Tae: Yaah where are you all going.!!

*They all went from there leaving him dumbfounded and the lights turned off*

Tae: YAAH where did you all went turning off the lights!!

*But the lights turned on and they saw one girl standing back facing him*

*First he got confused but when she turned around he got shocked. Tears filled in his eyes. It was none other then YN!!*

YN: *Smiled* HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE. I know you might have missed me a lot. So see I am back to you. 
You know what I am really thankful for this day. Cause you born in this day. My happiness and my everything. Thank you so much for coming in my life and making me the happiest person.

*His tears were flowing. He can't believe that she is standing in front of him after five months*

YN: Don't cry. You know it hurts me. I know you suffered a lot and I am sorry but will you allow me to fill it with happiness.

*She said smiling at him. He came and hugged her tightly sniffing sounds can be heard from here*

YN: *Caressing his head* stop crying taehyung see I am here.

Tae: Never leave me again.

YN: I never left you taehyung and I never will. I love you so much!!

Tae: I love you too.

*He hugged her so tightly. He was not even leaving her. But they heard a voice*

Veer: Aah taehyung leave my sister how she will breathe men.

*He said and everyone laughed. Deepika and other came and hugged YN*

Deepika: Yn you here. I am happy to see you woke up.

YN: I am happy to see you also and I am more happy to know I am going to be Maasi.

FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now