💜Episode 26💜

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YN: Wow today's food is so tasty.

Deepika: Yeah.

Mrs Malhotra:Why won't when Iseul made it.

Kriti: Wow really bhabhi.

Iseul: yeah.

Veer: Than I want to kiss that chef's hand. *He kissed her hand*

Everyone: AWWWW!!

Iseul: Yaah what are you doing. *Blushing*

Veer: Prasing my wife can't I do.

Mr Malhotra: You are getting shameless day by day your parents are still here.

*Everyone started laughing*

Jihyun: Well I didn't knew my Noona could cook this much tasty food.

Iseul: You Will never know. You will just point out me.

Tae: Yeah you are right.


Jisoo: Hey guys I am getting bored.

Rosé: let's play hide and seek

Jimin: Childish.

YN: Let's play dead body game like how shinchan play.

Kriti: yeah it's good for lazy people like us.

Jk: Hey why don't we recreate a romantic movie scene then. *winking at Kriti*

Kriti: Pervert.

YN : Yaahhh you couples get out of my sight.

Deepika: Go and find yourself one.

YN: Not now.

Tae: Hey i am getting bored.

Jihyun: Me too.

Mrs Malhotra: I have a nice work for you all.*smirk*

*They all looked at Mrs Malhotra and Mrs Oberoi*

Deepika: What work mom.

Mrs Oberoi: You all are getting bored right help us to clean the house.

Everyone: WHATTT!!!

Mrs Malhotra: Yahh don't shout!!

YN: But mom we are going to trip right why can't we clean it after we come back.

Mrs Malhotra: So what if we are going for trip. From the day when we went to Goa I gave all maids holiday and no one cleaned the house.

Deepika: But we can do it after the trip right 

Mrs Oberoi: What is the problem of doing it now.

Mrs Malhotra: And do you want to make your house look like a ghost house or what so just shut up and help us.

Everyone: Okayyy!!

*After cleaning the house everyone got tired*

Mrs Malhotra: Thank you kids for helping us.

Mrs Oberoi: You all can go and freshen up. Then we will eat lunch and leave.

Everyone: Okayyy!!

FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now