💜Episode 41💜

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Yn was smiling cause of talking with taehyung. He every time makes her smile. But when she was trying to stop the car the breaks weren't working*

YN: What the hell!! Why aren't they working!!

*She was trying to stop the car but it wasn't working*

YN: No no no. Yn do something!! 

*She we trying a lot but nothing was working. She tried to open her seat belt but it was stuck as she was driving she didn't notice a big truck was coming towards her*


*Everyone were waiting for YN but she still didn't come back everyone tried to call her but it's not reachable. Everyone were getting worried for her*

Mrs Malhotra: Aish where is this girl. She still didn't come back. Kriti, veer did she pick the call.

Veer: No. *trying to call her* Aishh!! It's showing unreachable.

Mrs Malhotra: Where is she now I am getting scared it's really been long the last time she called.

Kriti: Even I am also getting worried.

Mr Malhotra: Are you sure she left the office.

Kriti: Yeah cause when I called her she told she was on her way.

Mr Oberoi: Then she should have reached now.

Iseul: Once again call and see.

Kriti: I did its unreachable.

*Suddenly Veer got a call*

Veer: Wait a minute. It's an unknown number.

*He pick the call. Everyone were looking at him*

Veer: Hello.

*Somebody spoke from the phone and told something which made him shock*

Veer: WHAT!! W-Where I-is she?

Veer: O-okay I am coming.

Kriti: bhai what happened??

Veer: It's not the time to ask. Let's go fast kriti.

Mrs Malhotra: Where are you going? First tell me what happened? Otherwise I won't let you go.

Veer: *he pushed his hair back and said* YN GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT. A SEVERE ACCIDENT.

Everyone except veer: WHAT!!!

*Everyone was shocked no one can't utter anything*

Mrs Malhotra: I will also come with you.

Veer: No mom you stay here. Me, dad, uncle and Kriti will go you and aunty stay with Iseul.

Mrs Malhotra: But—

Mr Malhotra: He is right you both stay with Iseul.

FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN INDIAN GIRL (kim taehyung ff ) (Indian ff ) Where stories live. Discover now